I've been using them for about a year and a half now , I've not had any problems and it gives you options.Seems cheap
I bought 2 of them !
I've been using them for about a year and a half now , I've not had any problems and it gives you options.Seems cheap
Kegland shop on AliExpress !Is that the ones from alibaba.
There flippin' was something in the beer! Hops! Pelleted hops I've only just taken to throwing in free after fermentation. The first gauze doesn't stop them all, the stuff just ends up on the gauze in the extractor floats and bungs 'em up. Well, I can look on the bright side, if they didn't bung up the extractor, I'll have not noticed the festering mass in the pump's filter waiting to mess up my next brew.Well, that didn't work! I haven't tried the "assembly", but I did replace the keg with a second keg of that beer. The extractor failed to operate properly in that too!
Two odd failures with the same brew. Coincidence?... There's something in the beer! Oo-err!
Well, looks like the "assembly" has its work cut out for a few weeks! (I fill via the dip-tube, transferred by diaphragm pump and a coarse filter must be in place with those pumps or the diaphragm is at risk ... but since filling, something bunged it up).