Flat Lager

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New Member
Feb 15, 2013
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Hi all
I brewed a pilsner lager, from "The Range" , the same way as i brewed my last one. the first was great, but this one is flat as a witches t*t?

It was 16 days in FV then bottled, with a teaspoon of sugar in each bottle. left in the warm for 2 weeks, now been in chiller for 10 days. tried one last night, obviously still needs longer conditioning but absolutely flat

do i need to put it back in the warm, or leave it longer in the cold?

i did notice on bottling that it was a lot clearer than any i have bottled before, and wondered if that was because i left it longer in FV than usual?

is it salvageable in your opinion. there doesnt seem to be any sediment to speak of at the bottom of the bottles either

Many thanks

It most likely is your 2 weeks in the warm wasn't warm enough , i drop mine in a large water container with an heater and aim for 22c for 2 weeks .
its always salvagable- prob want to leave for another 2-3wks in the warm, then if still flat leave again or ur gonna need to add some yeast solution- fresh yeast from a top crop or some dry yeast from a sachet- to every bottle
I've got exactly the same issue - my bottled Coopers European lager is pretty much flat :(

I've bottled over 30 brews before and never had this, after bottling they were left 2 weeks in the warm house, only difference I can tell is (like trikerjim) I left it in the FV longer than normal (20 days) and it was very clear upon bottling.

It's been cold conditioning for 4 weeks, some in the fridge and some in the garage. Is it salvageable, i.e. could I bring them back into the warm for a week or two, or will the yeast be dead now?
ok guys cheers, i will put it back in the warm for a couple o weeks longer then.

would it have been because i left it in FV longer than it says to. has all the yeast disappeared, been used up. and that is why there is no sediment?

if the warm doesnt work, Is it feasible to pour the bottles into another FV and chuck some yeast in.?

At the bottom of my bottles is just undissolved granulated sugar, even tho i gave the bottles a quick twist before capping.

i sterlized and rinsed the same as i allways do. i know its only a £14 kit but seems a shame to waste if i can do something with it

jim :cheers:
you will have plenty of yeast still in bottle what ever you do unless you had a very high og and it struggled to finish which means the yeast have stalled and died off but this is unlikely , it just needs more time as mentioned at right temp .

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