First extract brew hoping to start this weekend

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I'm a bit wary of liquid malt as I did a kit that I think had been sitting in the LHBS for a while and the beer has a definite tang to it. It was in date but I think it was the old malt that caused it. I did an extract kit using spraymalt and that is fantastic - ready to drink much quicker than all the kits I've done (all used liquid malt).
rpt said:
I'm a bit wary of liquid malt as I did a kit that I think had been sitting in the LHBS for a while and the beer has a definite tang to it. It was in date but I think it was the old malt that caused it. I did an extract kit using spraymalt and that is fantastic - ready to drink much quicker than all the kits I've done (all used liquid malt).

Never used liquid myself. I read somewhere that liquid is actually better that dried IF it is fresh, but doesn't keep nearly as well as dried resulting in that infamous "home brew tang". I like dried, never had an issue so far (except clumping but that's more of a nuisance than a problem)
Sounds like I'm better off waiting till I'm ready to do an extract, rather than buying now and keeping it for a while