Festival - Endeavours Pale Ale

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Looks good. Comes with 200g dextrose, so i will probably swap that out for some spray malt. Never used the salt addition before, whats that for?




Will get this on next month i think.
Looks like the salt additions are to be added to your water. By the looks of it this is meant to be classic English Pale in the style of Pedigree, hence the 'Burton water' salts. Although surely this would have differing effects on the water depending on what your water was like in the first place...Let us know how you get on :thumb:
I bought this from lhbs as it arrived and they've sold out. Brewed it for 8 or 9 days at 20 ish before throwing in the hops. Racked to secondary after 3 days and left at ambient for another week.
I'm going to put it in a corney and force carb it.
Here's the but.... After secondary I racked it again and fined it with turbo klar 24 . left it 3 days in garage but wasn't happy with clarity. Racked again into glass carboy (my new toy) and gave it a second dose of turbo klar yesterday. It's dropped loads but still not clear.
Any body know if it's best to leave it outside to clear or rack and fine again or just accept it'll be cloudy from the corney. I want to serve this at my fortieth in 12 days time...
Advice very welcome....
BTW tastes great when racking!
Hi there,
Just wondered how your Endeavours going? I racked mine into secondary today after 2 weeks (hops added 4 days ago). Plan to cold crash and bottle in a few days. I thought it was pretty unremarkable to be honest. Not too hoppy. I was wondering if the flavours come thru a bit more after some conditioning. Got some Galaxy pellets coming soon so may wait an chuck a hop tea in to liven it up. I have previously done the festival golden stag and was very pleased. Let me know, Cheers
Hello - I brewed the Endeavours kit as my first ever home brew. It was fermented for 12 days (starting specific gravity 1044, dropping to 1008) and I left it to bottle condition for six weeks now (with some judicious testing after four weeks).

After the first four weeks, the beer (and head) were decidedly sour. So much, that I was concerned I produced a batch that went off. But the self-doubt faded away as the favour mellowed to a lemony taste, then after six weeks, it was just pleasantly citrusy.

I'm somewhat baffled by the description provided by the manufacturer because I don't really taste any of those flavours. Fortunately, it's my favourite type of ale - light, zippy with floral undertones. It reminds me of Citra from Oakham Ales.

Anyway - very pleased with my first attempt. I also ran out and bought the Festival Ale 'Landlord'. It's been in the bottle for nearly 4 weeks. I have high hopes for this as well.

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