Hydrogen cars.

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Not if they move as fast as Musky boy athumb..
He repackaged an existing technology, hydrogen isn’t coming to the mass car market any time soon, or if it does it’ll be a waste.
There are great applications for hydrogen; eg. blue H powering carbon capture and fuelling local public transport but they’re, ahem, 5-10 years away.
Smaller than a battery pack and less damaging to the planet
I beg to differ; how do you make, package and transport the hydrogen? This is the like ICE people overlooking the carbon footprint of extracting, refining and transporting fossil fuels and only focusing on tailpipe emissions.
In simple terms, almost all hydrogen currently available is grey hydrogen - basically, another refined fossil fuel that is dependant on other fossil fuels for the refining process.

5% of currently available hydrogen is blue hydrogen - a refined fossil fuel but with carbon capture factored in.

We do not have a reliable source of green hydrogen at present - hydrogen produced by the hydrolysis of water using renewable energy, and hence, not dependant on fossil fuels that have to be extracted, refined and transported.

You cannot be a credible proponent of Hydrogen fuel if you don’t understand these distinctions and can factor them into your arguments.
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