So, I would have expected clear activity by now. It is allegedly possible to have a duff pack of yeast - although I never experienced it when I was doing kits.
The other causes could be an infection in the beer that has overwhelmed and killed off the yeast, or not enough oxygen in the beer to let the yeast get get going..
The action of pouring in all the can ingredients, mixing around etc should give enough oxygen initially (I use a drill with a paint mixing paddle!!), so that leaves us with either VERY slow starting poorly yeast, or an infection..
My advice would be to pitch a pack of S04.
It won't do any harm, even if it's not actually needed.
technically, most brewers, myself included, are almost certainly underpitching (i.e. adding to few yeast cells) for the brew size, so a second pack of yeast would actually be closer to where you should be anyway!!