Emergency yeast

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2016
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So far after getting back into home brewing after many years I have made three brews, the first two were from kits, the third from all grain and I have a fourth brew being made from all grain planned for this Saturday. The all grain brew (and this Saturdays) I used the Wyeast smack packs but I was concerned if something went wrong and it never activated. Not having any other yeast meant I had no back up. So I want some kind of emergency back up, what dry yeasts would you suggest I keep in stock as a back up for beer and lager just in case the yeast I should use does not work.
If you make a yeast starter with the liquid yeast a few days before brewing you'll know that's its healthy.
Having said that its reassuring to have a pack of Nottingham or MJ west coast ale yeast, or similar depending on the type of beers you're making, in the fridge.
I find the wiko gervin a great dried yeast. I first used it as I have no LHBS within half hour and needed a emergency yeast, now love it for all my porters.
I have used S04, US05 and Gervin/Nottingham all without ever having any issues and all making great beer. If you don't have good temperature control for fermentation I would recommend Gervin/Nottingham as it has the widest temperature range.
Another +1 for Wilko Gervin. I always have some in the fridge and it always does a good job.