Again like Quick say above, you are painting it as either Communist or Capatalist which isn't the case in two of the most successful Industrial countries in the world Germany and Japan. In my case I used to run my own business and very happy I was too and now I work for a large organisation. I pay the higher rate of tax and am happy to do so if that tax is being used to help people and build a better country for all of us to live in. Can a capatalist build their own road, their own hospital, their own power station, run their own police force just for them? Nope, this takes community all working together - i reference Thomas Paine who you can't accuse of being a Socialist of any description. I was very poor as a child and the state helped my Mother and us get through the tough times, did it make me lazy and want to live on benefits? Nope, I used the free education system to learn, to study and to get on and I want to pay back to that same system and for it to be available for others to be able to benefit in the same way that I was able to. When I visit Africa I see school kids walking miles to get to school if their famailies can even afford it so value what we offer here and realise what a great country it is to be born into.
It is funny the people who say that if you help people with benefits you will make them lazy and they will become corrupt are usually helped by their rich parents, go to the best schools and Universities to be helped to meet the right people and make the right connections to enable them to get the best Jobs to make them richer to then benefit their own children. They are also some of the most corrupt people in our lands right now.
As Quick says - there is a middle ground.