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I'm not doubting global warming exists, and I am fairly sure (which is as much as anyone can say) that mankind has had some influence on it, but I'm just not convinced that our recent run of bad summers has anything to do with it. Records show long periods of dismal summers throughout the last century, the last 4 years have been nothing new.

What prompted me to comment on this was the point that cf. made about summers used to be wall to wall sunshine. In fact, heatwave summers where we have long settled periods have always been a rarity here, the records show that rainy summer have been around for as long as we have been looking at the weather. It's an interesting psychological attribute that we all have, we remember our childhood summers as being glorious weather because (as most people on these islands do) we made a point of doing fun stuff like going to the beach or having family picnics when the sun shone, perhaps because it didn't happen very often. These are the events that we remember, the long boring days of staring out at the rain lashing the windows are forgotten in favour of the fun times. Soon all we can remember are the more memorable sunny days and we think that in comparison to earlier times, things have taken a turn for the worse. It's all described as 'rose tinted glasses'. This year has been unusually bad, but looking at only one year is way too high a resolution to start talking about global warming. Once we have had a decade of above average rainfall maybe then you can start talking about it, but as yet, we haven't had a decade since records began with anything other than average rainfall.
I agree that ascribing specific short term and geographically localised weather patterns to a global climate trend is just plain daft.
A lot of people just love to do it though - usually, the ones blaming global warming on CFC's....

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