Ebay problems

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I recently bought a vacuum packed mattress of ebay. But unbelievably the damn thing was 10cm too short. What a nightmare dealing with the idiots was. First they offered me a £10 refund then eventually half. After 2 weeks they decided to collect it then changed their mind saying was too big. I got the hump then they changed their minds again. By then i was so mad i made the mistake of asking ebay to get involved. They decided i need to take the item to the PO for return. The thing would not fit in my car so i had to carry a folded mattress on my head for the 1/2 mile trip. No way for me to complain or anything. Whoever decided that was fair is quite honestly a massive w***** who i would love to slap some sense into.
I hate ebay now, how dare they i have spent a small fortune with them.

Sorry mate but all day i have been stuck with the image of you walking around with a mattress on your head,im not laughing at you but the image is strong 😉
Anyway, eBay is crap
I know i shouldn't but couldn't resist, i will get one of the mods to give me a warning. :lol:

As a lot of people on this forum put links to things on Ebay they are thinking of buying or have, I thought I would start a thread on problems with Ebay atm. Wasnt sure if it should go on the equipment page or here.

I've had problems with nearly every purchase on Ebay for the last couple of years and my last purchase was for a Christmas present for my son. The item was not as described in the listing. It also wasnt posted until 4 days after the end of the expected delivery period. The seller then wouldnt give me my refund until I removed negative feedback. I ended up having to phone Ebay to get them to step in as their usual process takes even longer with fixed time scales before they will act.

I did some research looking at reviews on Ebay and quickly learned that Ebay is now focused on protecting sellers and if you have any problems as a buyer it is far more difficult to get it resolved than it used to be. That is certainly my experience in 14 years of using Ebay.

I have reached the point that I will avoid using Ebay and would prefer to spend more elsewhere. If you do use them also beware of Chinese importers who describe the item as UK based. It often isnt and what they do is get it sent from China to a UK based person who forwards it on for a small fee. Ebay seem to allow this.

Use them at your own risk.

Ebay are a terrible company. just a reply to your mention of Chinese importers , i wanted some ice ball ice cube trays for Christmas my good lady said i have bought some on Ebay, this was around the 12th dec , approx the 20th they had not arrived i said to her were did you buy them ice trays from she said ebay i said China she said it was a UK based company they, were cheapest. So i checked they were a Chinese company, saying based in the UK when you look at the hidden postage it says delivery around 30th Jan, Draw you own conclusions. Ebays lets them say there UK based when clearly they are not, This is a money making machine at the cost of any and every one who uses them they have fraud , malpractice and many other law suits out against both them and paypal in the USA, try goggling there actions the nets full of there misdemeanors .
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Funny you should say that, because I stopped selling on eBay because it was so biased towards the buyer. Regardless of the issue they took the buyer's side, and a lot of buyers were taking advantage of this.

Your dead right mick , but they have lost such a vast amount of sellers due to them refunding buyers and buyers not returning goods , Ebay has some absolutely stupid policies , but to suit ebay, Now they have lost all those sellers they are turning to China to fill the purse , Nothing would please me and millions of other people out there, who have suffered at the hands of these crazy rules, to see ebay go down the road a victim of its own stupidity and greed. All good things come to an end !
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As a lot of people on this forum put links to things on Ebay they are thinking of buying or have, I thought I would start a thread on problems with Ebay atm. Wasnt sure if it should go on the equipment page or here.

I've had problems with nearly every purchase on Ebay for the last couple of years and my last purchase was for a Christmas present for my son. The item was not as described in the listing. It also wasnt posted until 4 days after the end of the expected delivery period. The seller then wouldnt give me my refund until I removed negative feedback. I ended up having to phone Ebay to get them to step in as their usual process takes even longer with fixed time scales before they will act.

I did some research looking at reviews on Ebay and quickly learned that Ebay is now focused on protecting sellers and if you have any problems as a buyer it is far more difficult to get it resolved than it used to be. That is certainly my experience in 14 years of using Ebay.

I have reached the point that I will avoid using Ebay and would prefer to spend more elsewhere. If you do use them also beware of Chinese importers who describe the item as UK based. It often isnt and what they do is get it sent from China to a UK based person who forwards it on for a small fee. Ebay seem to allow this.

Use them at your own risk.

In my experience ebay are only interested in buyers and have very little regard for sellers (just look at the fees in UK being 15% whereas everywhere else it's tiered starting off very low, 1 or 2%). As as seller I got negative feedback for something which I clearly described in the description and yet the seller complained that it was how I described it, but I had no comeback.

Afaik any seller that tells you to remove negative feedback before a refund will get an infraction, if not a ban, from ebay as that is extortion, but I don't know why you left feedback before you asked for a refund (if I get a refund without any fuss I do not leave bad feedback generally, though it depends on the circumstance) as you didn't know what the resolution was to give feedback.
not what it used to be,
its useful for odd things,like making stir plates :)
but like you say, spend wisely, ive heard stories of people selling stuff, then the buyer saying it was damaged,
when the item was returned,it wasnt the item they sent out, and the buyer had swapped there damaged one for the good one,
i bought an ipod from ebay a couple of years ago, and actually filmed myself opening it, so i had proof if it was damaged prior to me receiving it ,
and the charges now are ridiculous,sold a scrap bike for less than £200 and i think the fees came to about £35
I hate that you have to use PayPal. Same con, if the buyer complains then they automatically get their money back before the seller can do anything.
I hate that you have to use PayPal. Same con, if the buyer complains then they automatically get their money back before the seller can do anything.

Thats what they have moved away from. Now its the sellers not sending what was advertised and conning buyers.

Basically Ebay has become a den of thieves with unscrupulous buyers and sellers taking advantage of the way it works.
Cheers guys, just in case anyone thought i was joking here is the accursed mattress itself. I still cant get my head around the mentality of a factory that sets it equipment up to make a bed 10cm too short. Does no one ever check anything. :doh:

Cheers guys, just in case anyone thought i was joking here is the accursed mattress itself. I still cant get my head around the mentality of a factory that sets it equipment up to make a bed 10cm too short. Does no one ever check anything. :doh:

What's that demijohn doing empty in the picture? lol

I bet they were surprised you took it back, most wouldn't unless shop bought. You didn't have an ikea bed frame, as they have an odd size mattress that fit them.
What's that demijohn doing empty in the picture? lol

I bet they were surprised you took it back, most wouldn't unless shop bought. You didn't have an ikea bed frame, as they have an odd size mattress that fit them.

The demijohn was just emptied of yeast. :lol: I put it in the photo to show the size of the parcel. I have a standard size bunk bed so no idea how they made these smaller.
I use ebay regularly with very few problems. Mainly for low value items.
Worst problem I had was when I tried to sell an old film camera. The rewind lever was broken, which was clearly stated. The lens was probably worth more than the body. Anyway this guy with no feedback buys it in the auction (for the lens he said) then refuses to pay because it was too expensive! A long running saga followed, with him threatening me with the police at one point! I gave up selling after that. Not worth the trouble.

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300 transactions and only one problem out of them all, parcel lost in post, i have a feeling it arrived and the bloke was trying his luck.