Easy Keg 5L

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I've been using these for a while now. Not to divert the thread but I never batch prime. So I've been putting 6-8 tsp of glucose into each mini keg. I've had no trouble yet.

Always clean clear carbed beer down to the last drop.

Well until you tilt the keg when your getting greedy :-)

I've been using these for a while now. Not to divert the thread but I never batch prime. So I've been putting 6-8 tsp of glucose into each mini keg. I've had no trouble yet.

Always clean clear carbed beer down to the last drop.

Well until you tilt the keg when your getting greedy :-)

I take it when you use kegs you put all your beer from the FV into MK's?

If your only using MK's I think it would be pretty simple to prime each individual keg but I'm going to be using a mixture of packaging, as mentioned, so not so easy
Arrrghh! Having read all of this thread and done some research online I'm torn between the mini keg and a party star deluxe tap and the tap a draft. Both seem to have advantages and disadvantages.
The tap a draft can lay on its side in the fridge taking up less space (no need to remove a shelf) and can force carbonate but the mini keg has, from what I can read, the better tap and ready availability of spare parts and I've seen a few nice beertenders online that can be used with it if I want to spend the money on them.

Does anyone know can you store the mini-keg on its side in the fridge after tapping or should it always be upright? Really don't want to lose a shelf, storage in my fridge is pretty tight as it is.
Arrrghh! Having read all of this thread and done some research online I'm torn between the mini keg and a party star deluxe tap and the tap a draft. Both seem to have advantages and disadvantages.
The tap a draft can lay on its side in the fridge taking up less space (no need to remove a shelf) and can force carbonate but the mini keg has, from what I can read, the better tap and ready availability of spare parts and I've seen a few nice beertenders online that can be used with it if I want to spend the money on them.

Does anyone know can you store the mini-keg on its side in the fridge after tapping or should it always be upright? Really don't want to lose a shelf, storage in my fridge is pretty tight as it is.

You need another fridge :sad: or perhaps a fridge freezer for all your hops :razz:
Arrrghh! Having read all of this thread and done some research online I'm torn between the mini keg and a party star deluxe tap and the tap a draft. Both seem to have advantages and disadvantages.
The tap a draft can lay on its side in the fridge taking up less space (no need to remove a shelf) and can force carbonate but the mini keg has, from what I can read, the better tap and ready availability of spare parts and I've seen a few nice beertenders online that can be used with it if I want to spend the money on them.

Does anyone know can you store the mini-keg on its side in the fridge after tapping or should it always be upright? Really don't want to lose a shelf, storage in my fridge is pretty tight as it is.

I've only just got my MK's through the post so I'm no expert but how would you get the beer out if it's on the side in your fridge? If you then too it out the fridge to right to get the beer out then all the yeast in the bottom/side of the MK would then stir up and you'd get a pint of yeasty beer (and rhino farts in the morning)
(and rhino farts in the morning)

I get those anyway lol
Point taken though, that was exactly what I meant hadn't thought that one through doh!

stevej said:
You need another fridge or perhaps a fridge freezer for all your hops
I already have a larder fridge stuck in the corner for fermenting in the kitchen aint big enough for another one unfortunately. What height are they with the tap on? I may just have to try and wedge them in.
I get those anyway lol
Point taken though, that was exactly what I meant hadn't thought that one through doh!

I already have a larder fridge stuck in the corner for fermenting in the kitchen aint big enough for another one unfortunately. What height are they with the tap on? I may just have to try and wedge them in.

Mines 210mm or 320mm with the party type dispenser tap roughly
Mines 210mm or 320mm with the party type dispenser tap roughly

Think I'll have to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get it in with tap, without is no problem. Good job I live on my own and the swmbo is happy for it to stay that way or I'd never get away with the half of it, looks like I'm going to be purchasing a party set shortly :drink:

[quote: Leon103]You could buy one of those cooler jackets[/quote]
You could buy one of those cooler jackets

Was looking at them too, look great for taking a keg to a party or a mates house.

This looks good although a tad over budget, maybe a christmas present to me lol
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I think I will add the mini keg and party tap to my xmas list. Despite already purchasing myself a couple of early xmas presents. I guess I am fortunate that my birthday is also in December

Love it Leon add some more :-)
My plan for my next brew is a Pilsner, something I don't drink much of but my mates love lager so brewing 10l and putting them in the MKs for 6 nations make sense to me
My plan for my next brew is a Pilsner, something I don't drink much of but my mates love lager so brewing 10l and putting them in the MKs for 6 nations make sense to me

After very limited usage of mks id bottle fella, same as using king kegs there great for ales but not for largers
I've filled mini kegs with pilsener and they are fine 6 months later and it tastes far better the longer you leave it. I have a couple of Breferm Pilsener kegs from march that I've managed to keep my fat fingers away from along with some Brewferm Gold that I'm really looking forward to. The Brewferm stuff really is one of the best in my opinion but it needs a really long time before it's tip top.
I'm filling a couple of kegs today with Festival New Zealand Pilsener which I'm hoping will be ready for Christmas as the Festival kits don't need anywhere near as long as the brewferm ones, if anything I prefer them after 6-7 weeks
I'm glad more people are starting with mini kegs as they haven't really been mentioned much up to now, great thread :thumb:
Zelda is getting me a party star co2 tap thingy system for Christmas with some extra spare kegs.
I couldn't think of anything else when she asked me what I wanted.
Better than last years unasked for Chrimbo presents anyway. I got trainers, shorts, a tracksuit and a gym membership.
You'd think she was trying to tell me something.
Two quick questions please regarding the party star deluxe tap thingy.
I take it that it's simply a matter of pulling a bung on a conditioned mini keg of beer and fitting the party star tap?
I'm pretty sure that the answer is yes, but the party star thing can be used with supermarket mini kegs?