AKA - RobsHomebrew
Screw them in fast. And make sure your gas knob is set to off
I bought a party star tap to use with my mini kegs . it as been working fine the gas lasted a keg of O S H . moved it to a hobgoblin keg and gas run out after a couple of pints. When I went to change the gas cylinder , screwed it in and suddenly the gas shot out from the back of the plastic cylinder holder freezing cold too . I noticed a tiny hole at the bottom of the holder a neat hole looks like it was drilled out . Is this a relieve system or a fault with the Tap I wasted a gas cylinder but tried another same thing but not as bad and tap is working now but lots of gas wasted. Anyone else had this problem and anyone know how to solve the problem . The 16g cylinders are not easily obtainable only found them online so cost plus postage , dont want to waste the gas.
Ron (better days)
I noticed yesterday Morrisons have Old Speckled Hen and Hobgoblin for sale at ��ã15 each. Tempting!
They are the ones that can be reused right?
Muntons Wheat beer, my second attempt with the minikeys and much improved over the last. Great head, smooth and carbonated nicely :-)
Lovely looking pint, how much priming sugar per 5l minikeg did you use ?
Cheers Spapro.
I love OSH, so it's no real loss if I can't reuse it (but it sounds like I can).
Only slight concern is the "drink within 3 days" thing.
Just had my first pint of homebrew from a mini keg,,,yes,yes,yes
Light at the end of the tunnel,half my bottles can go now,my bike can fit in my shed,I won't knock over five bottles every time I go for a beer,my lawnmower may even get back in!!!
Cheers Rob :thumb:
It's so smooth,and creamy,and clear (can you tell I'm pleased ) :grin: