Chairman of the Bored
brewery and ice rink all in one :thumb:
brewery and ice rink all in one :thumb:
I think we should make this a sticky - longest thread without a drop brewed!
I hope it works out, I really do, but to be honest, if I were EDBP, I would use the garage to keep bikes in. As a commercial beer brewing location, it will never reach let alone exceed FSA regs. My advice would be to quit whilst he is ahead (though I'm not really sure what has been achieved so far, apart from an easily swept garage floor). Don't want to put a downer on enthusiasm, but this project, from the start, is in my opinion flawed. The reason I have come to this conclusion: it leaks, it has no running piped water, no obvious means of disposal of waste water (and there will be plenty from the brewing process), no power, no permissions from all the relevant bodies, and no market. Sorry EDBP, if you want to brew, do it for yourself and your mates, don't try to sell it. As an aside, your beer has to be good enough, and better than, already available local brews. Have you checked out any competition you might have? Have you brewed anything that might compare?
I hope it works out, I really do, but to be honest, if I were EDBP, I would use the garage to keep bikes in. As a commercial beer brewing location, it will never reach let alone exceed FSA regs.
I love the idea! im lucky i have a basement
I will wait for the next episode with bated breath. :wink:
Edit to add - why not use you kitchen for the first few brews?