DME Powder

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Oct 30, 2010
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Being a newbie I'm gathering the ingredients for my first batch of ale and I'm a bit confused (it doesn't take much!!). In Graham Wheeler's book it says, for malt extract brewing, to either use DME (Syrup) or DME (Powder). Is the DME (Powder) the same as spray malt ? i.e. can I use Muntons Spraymalt as my DME ? The description on Muntons Spraymalt implies it's to used instead of sugar ('Use as a direct replacement for sugar in your brewing') but can it be used as my base DME ? If not what are the good brands for DME (Powder) as I can't seem to find any ?

Thanks in advance fellow brewsters. Neil.
Yes I believe you can, spraymalt is DME Dried Malt Extract
The recipes in my 3rd edition clearly state “Malt Extract Syrup” or “Dried Malt Extract”.

As Wez says, Munton's Spraymalt is fine :thumb:

The “use as a direct replacement for sugar” instruction would apply to ‘kit & kilo’ brewers trying to improve a budget kit.
Thanks for the swift reply guys !! Fantastic book by the way Graham :thumb:

So to confirm the Munton's Spraymalt replaces the Pale Malt in the recipes. Does it also replace the Sugar/Crystal Malt/Black Malt etc in the recipes or are these still required ?

Thanks for the help all, really appreciated. Neil.
Malt Extract Syrup (sometimes called LME for Liquid Malt Extract), or your Dried Malt Extract (spraymalt) replaces the Pale Malt in the recipes, but you still need to add any other grains, and occasionally sugar where listed.

In my edition, instructions are on page 71.
I just got some of this stuff - Light powdered muntons spray malt extract - Mrs got it in error as some guy in local HBS told her i needed it.
No worries question is can i use this stuff to make up starters - ie growing yeasties on a conical using a stir plate?
Think i saw 2 tablespoons per litre of water somewhere

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