Might have to let the missus steer me right on that one as margarita is one of her favourite cocktails.
Cheese and tomato beer sounds intriguing![]()
It exists (or at least existed) Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer | Pizza Beer Company
Might have to let the missus steer me right on that one as margarita is one of her favourite cocktails.
Cheese and tomato beer sounds intriguing![]()
Oh aye, read about that beer years ago in a Papazian book. Wonder what it's like.It exists (or at least existed) Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer | Pizza Beer Company
So judging next weekend?Results will be sent out the third weekend in January.
Strictly of course I win because I scored 39/40 where the winners only got 41/50. Normalising the scores I got 48/50!In third place with a very respectable score of 39/40 is @Hazelwood Brewery with a porter.