Thanks Dan for judging and for the feedback. And well done to
@BeerCat and
My feedback from Dan for your interest. As I said to Dan I think he has been a bit generous with the scores myself, but i'll take it!
Aroma - very inviting, sweet malt & nutty, which mingled with the moderate choclate aroma to remind me of nutella.

No hop aroma, and very clean without any esters. 10/12
Appearance - dark brown, almost opaque with a loose tan head that quickly disipated. 3/3
Flavour - mild roast with a coffee like quality, faint chocolate but not as much as in the aroma. Low bitterness and a slightly sweet finish but retained great drinkability. Very cleanly fermented. 17/20
Mouthfeel - medium/light bodied with fairly high carbonation, smooth without any astringency or alcohol warmth. 4/5
Overall - a delicious beer without any flaws. The chocolate works well in the base beer and it was very drinkable for quite a strong mild. For my personal tastes I'd have liked the chocolate to come through a bit more in the flavour, and slightly lower carbonation. 9/10
TOTAl 43/50