Coopers Original Stout Review

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hi ...
i was going to use some treacle in my next brew of coopers australian stout ...
but it would seem people are finding it to sweet .. :shock: .

i think ill give this a miss...
i like stout but not to sweet ....

regards mick... :hat: .
I have one small can of black treacle, I will give it a go and report back. Won't be for months, though, many other beers in the queue to be brewed first! I will have to get another FV when I pop into Wilko on Monday.
OK, so I received an email from Tesco telling me this was back in stock.

Just as they put up the price to £13.96 :wha: Usual tricks.

So I'll order from elsewhere cheaper.

I'm new (well, returning) to the hobby so I might need some help.
I'm looking to use the following recipe (i have much of it already):

1 Pack Coopers Stout
500g Dark DME
850g Muscovado sugar
kit supplied yeast
21L water
however much is left in the tin of treacle in the cupboard (about 3/4 I think)

So.... to ensure that the treacle mixes in properly and make sure the sugar mixes too, do you think I'll do any harm in taking the sugar, treacle and tin and boiling it up in a pan for a bit?

Do you think that adding some freshly made coffee might help too?
stu said:
OK, so I received an email from Tesco telling me this was back in stock.

Just as they put up the price to £13.96 :wha: Usual tricks.

So I'll order from elsewhere cheaper.

I'm new (well, returning) to the hobby so I might need some help.
I'm looking to use the following recipe (i have much of it already):

1 Pack Coopers Stout
500g Dark DME
850g Muscovado sugar
kit supplied yeast
21L water
however much is left in the tin of treacle in the cupboard (about 3/4 I think)

So.... to ensure that the treacle mixes in properly and make sure the sugar mixes too, do you think I'll do any harm in taking the sugar, treacle and tin and boiling it up in a pan for a bit?

Do you think that adding some freshly made coffee might help too?

I heated all the fermentables in a pan. Quite a common practice, athough not necessary any longer. For me it just makes the dissolving and mixing process a lot easier, along with obviously being easier to hit the pitching temp. I don't bother boiling for any length of time though, I just boil up some water, chuck in all the ingredients, keep on the heat and stir till a light boil starts. Then I just knock the heat off and let it settle for a minute before dumping it in the FV and topping up with cold water.
ScottM said:
I heated all the fermentables in a pan. Quite a common practice, athough not necessary any longer. For me it just makes the dissolving and mixing process a lot easier, along with obviously being easier to hit the pitching temp. I don't bother boiling for any length of time though, I just boil up some water, chuck in all the ingredients, keep on the heat and stir till a light boil starts. Then I just knock the heat off and let it settle for a minute before dumping it in the FV and topping up with cold water.

Yup sounds about right. As I said, I come from old skool brewing where you bought the bits and bobs separately, threw in a kilo of white sugar, heated it up and threw it in a tub with some yeast.

Nothing like the smell of cooking home brew stinking out the house :lol: :lol: :lol:
stu said:
OK, so I received an email from Tesco telling me this was back in stock.

Just as they put up the price to £13.96 :wha: Usual tricks.

So I'll order from elsewhere cheaper.

I'm new (well, returning) to the hobby so I might need some help.
I'm looking to use the following recipe (i have much of it already):

1 Pack Coopers Stout
500g Dark DME
850g Muscovado sugar
kit supplied yeast
21L water
however much is left in the tin of treacle in the cupboard (about 3/4 I think)

So.... to ensure that the treacle mixes in properly and make sure the sugar mixes too, do you think I'll do any harm in taking the sugar, treacle and tin and boiling it up in a pan for a bit?

Do you think that adding some freshly made coffee might help too?
TBF to tesco these have been at under £10 all year.
They are running a £10 off offer if you spend £75 and the prices changed at that point, my hope/theory is they may go back to the offer price when this deal expires.
Checking mine out a bit early. First impressions are VERY good. The flavours are all there and the dryness is absolutely spot on. The dark treacle comes through very strong, as expected, so anyone who doesn't want that properly dark flavour. Head retention seems OK, it's not as heavy as I expected it to be... but I guess more DME and less sugar would cure that.

Very, very good pint, and that's before even taking into consideration that it's a kit.
Thanks for the info, especially re. the black treacle. I will try that on one can but I'll be prepared for it now!
winelight said:
Thanks for the info, especially re. the black treacle. I will try that on one can but I'll be prepared for it now!

Yeah definitely, it's a great taste and I really like it.... but I can see how people could be easily put off by it as it's very prominent in the beer.

Loving it though :)

ScottM said:
winelight said:
Thanks for the info, especially re. the black treacle. I will try that on one can but I'll be prepared for it now!

Yeah definitely, it's a great taste and I really like it.... but I can see how people could be easily put off by it as it's very prominent in the beer.

Loving it though :)


hi scott .. :thumb: .
that looks the fantastic... :D
if that tastes half as nice as it looks ...
WOW..... :drink:

regards mick... :hat: .
mick may said:
ScottM said:
winelight said:
Thanks for the info, especially re. the black treacle. I will try that on one can but I'll be prepared for it now!

Yeah definitely, it's a great taste and I really like it.... but I can see how people could be easily put off by it as it's very prominent in the beer.

Loving it though :)


hi scott .. :thumb: .
that looks the fantastic... :D
if that tastes half as nice as it looks ...
WOW..... :drink:

regards mick... :hat: .

Well the first pint is down and the results are in. Absolutely fantastic, what a great drink. There are a few improvements that I'll be making for my next time round, a little less dark treacle and dropping a whack of the sugar for some more DME. This is just to tweak the recipe though, I would happily buy this stuff in a pub.

The only negative that I can even think about putting on this particular pint is that the head retention isn't fantastic. It's there till the end. but it drops a lot. The head isn't quite as thick and creamy as I had hoped. That is only the smallest of slights though, and I'm really nit picking to find even the smallest negative :D
mick may said:
hi scott ... :thumb: .

its defo got the WOW factor then.. :cheers: .

regards mick... :hat: .

Definitely Mick. I'm drinking it WAY too early too, if this gets better over the next month it's going to be an absolute knockout!
ScottM said:
mick may said:
hi scott ... :thumb: .

its defo got the WOW factor then.. :cheers: .

regards mick... :hat: .

Definitely Mick. I'm drinking it WAY too early too, if this gets better over the next month it's going to be an absolute knockout!

ill have to do a copy of this one then scott... :D .

youl have to tell me what...
and how much went in to it ... :thumb: .

regards mick... :hat: .
thanks scott... :thumb: .
i already had it didnt i :oops: ...
but still haven looked it over properly yet .. :oops: .

ill have a good look soon thanks again .... :thumb: .

regards mick... :hat: .
mick may said:
thanks scott... :thumb: .
i already had it didnt i :oops: ...
but still haven looked it over properly yet .. :oops: .

ill have a good look soon thanks again .... :thumb: .

regards mick... :hat: .

If you get to grips with it you'll find it's an awesome tool to use. Works out all your gravities, ABV, etc based on the ingredients. You can also copy/scale other peoples recipes (as of last week) :)

I use it daily.
ScottM said:
mick may said:
thanks scott... :thumb: .
i already had it didnt i :oops: ...
but still haven looked it over properly yet .. :oops: .

ill have a good look soon thanks again .... :thumb: .

regards mick... :hat: .

If you get to grips with it you'll find it's an awesome tool to use. Works out all your gravities, ABV, etc based on the ingredients. You can also copy/scale other peoples recipes (as of last week) :)

I use it daily.

i must admit since iv been brewing i dont go on many other sites ...
i havent even been on my budgie site for a few weeks .... :eek: ..

im eather on here /ebay or facebook ... :oops: ..

i must get a life .... :lol: .
all i can here now is my newkie going blurp blurp blurp... :grin:
i love that sound helps me sleep.... :D .

regards mick... :hat: .
Out at a hotel yesterday so was drinking guiness at £4.30 a pint, thinking my god I could have just over 10 pints of my stout for one of these!!

It's not that the guiness is any better as well apart from the looks. Next time with mine I'm going to brew it with 1kg of DME and 500g of brewing sugar and a smaller tin of black treacle.

Should bring it in at over 5% after bottling :)
I bottled mine today, and tasted a sample. I used 400 gms black treacle in mine and i think its comming through strong. Hope it mellows a bit.