The way the world is going - impoverishing people though high taxation, high interest rates, high energy and food bills, supply chain disruption and control over food supplies, a great many people may end up owning nothing and massively under water in debt, with no money for food, hungry people may get so desperate that they take matters into their own hands. Western governments are seeking to introduce programmable digital currency, the ultimate form of control and slavery, who wants that?
There is precedence throughout history, we've seen the odd few days of civil unrest in recent years in the UK (London riots), there are currently massive protests across the EU every weekend (anti-war, anti-govt) and just about every Western country had anti-covid marches and riots each weekend throughout the Covid era. Whilst it seems inconceivable in the UK now, over time it could happen, lets hope we all come out the other side before it gets to that stage.