This assumes that you have rationalised that CO2 is the source of climate change.
But if CO2 is not the source of climate change, then the whole project is a waste of taxpayers money, money that could be better spent actually cleaning the environment in projects that don't make billionaire oligarchs richer and actually benefit the planet.
I've covered this before in the electric car thread; based on the scientific evidence available at the current time it is fairly clear that greenhouse gases can be directly linked to rising global temperatures: https://www-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproj...9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw==#link-3f71c155
And as I've also said on more than one occasion; CO2 emissions are used as an equivalency metric for comparing all of the greenhouse emissions from different sources: What are CO2 equivalents? | myclimate