Well-Known Member
can anybody give me any advice on this? at current I am using a Brupaks boiler with a Viking hop filter;
the flow rate from the hop filter is bad. i remember john nowacki (worcs hop shop) telling me I need to add a length of tube to the ball valve tap. any ideas?
second, how can i get my wort clearer? my cooling is done in the bathtub. it takes about an hour and cold breaks fine, I usually ferment in the same bucket but i don't mind syphoning into a new one if that helps?
and third, the trub is blocking my hop filter up a treat. is there any way i can reduce the amount of trub I take through?
my current method is this;
mash in boiler
strain through tap into a bucket with hop filter removed
sparge grain if neccessary (I often just BIAB and get a good enough efficiency and volume via that.)
remove grain from boiler
pour grain back into boiler and boil
strain through hop filter into FV
cool in bathtub
pitch yeast

the flow rate from the hop filter is bad. i remember john nowacki (worcs hop shop) telling me I need to add a length of tube to the ball valve tap. any ideas?
second, how can i get my wort clearer? my cooling is done in the bathtub. it takes about an hour and cold breaks fine, I usually ferment in the same bucket but i don't mind syphoning into a new one if that helps?
and third, the trub is blocking my hop filter up a treat. is there any way i can reduce the amount of trub I take through?
my current method is this;
mash in boiler
strain through tap into a bucket with hop filter removed
sparge grain if neccessary (I often just BIAB and get a good enough efficiency and volume via that.)
remove grain from boiler
pour grain back into boiler and boil
strain through hop filter into FV
cool in bathtub
pitch yeast