Christmas Ale - Brewing time / Storing question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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The Garden of England
Hi there,

I was wondering am I too early to start brewing a christmas ale , namely the Milestone Donner & Blitzed? I was hoping to brew it after my current one has finished and then store it in plastic pop bottles in the garden shed ready for drinking in the autumn/winter

Am I being a bit too keen and will the brew be ok in plastic bottles for that length of time. Obviously I would be hoping it wouldnt go stale and be at prime drinking age

Many thanks
Are you too keen? No, strong beer (10%) takes a long time to mature. Brew away and look forward to a well matured Christmas treat.

However, I would suggest you store it in either a stainless steel keg, glas bottles or glass carboy. Why? Plastic is slightly porus, so over time your beer will oxydise, which is a very bad thing for taste. So Storing in glass or stainless steel is a better move.

Personally I would have a good two weeks fermentation, 2 month secondary fermentation, then bottle and store until the big day.
all decent beer needs a long maturation time, i did a 2 brewferm kits last year for xmas,started 1 in aug and i in sept, both good at xmas, both really really good now, time makes for great beer if you have the patience to wait!