Chlorinated Water

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
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My water always smells of chlorine so I fill a bucket, chuck in a ground campden tablet and let the water stand for half an hour or so before adding it to the wort in the FV. (I brew from kits at the moment).

This has always worked and I have always had nice beer and never had off flavours. I was just wondering if I could cut out a step and save filling a bucket with water. Could I chuck a campden tablet into the brew when the water has been added? I could then fill the FV straight from the tap with a short hose pipe. Or does the campden kill/slow-up the yeast's action?

Quater of a campden tablet is enough for 25 litres, at that level it wouldn't slow the yeast down at all. A whole tablet wouldn't affect the fermentation either
you don't need campden tablets for kit brewing, the theory is that in the mash phenols from the grain react with the chlorine to form chloropenols (TCP taste) so a bit of bisulphate to remove the chlorine helps the taste.
You definitely need to dechlorinate, even when brewing with extract. The chlorine compounds will react with the components in the extract and still create chlorophenols.

Heck, I've had a beer served in a glass with just a hint of chlorine-based sanitizer and immediately noted chlorophenols. It doesn't take much!
mabrungard said:
You definitely need to dechlorinate, even when brewing with extract. The chlorine compounds will react with the components in the extract and still create chlorophenols.

Heck, I've had a beer served in a glass with just a hint of chlorine-based sanitizer and immediately noted chlorophenols. It doesn't take much!

Thought so :thumb:

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