Cheeky Vimto

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BarnsleyBrewer said:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
I'm doing.
12ltr Apple Juice
2ltr Vimto
1 pkt Safale S-04
Not putting any sugar in, I want to bottle it and not wanting it too dry
Thrown this today, been in the bottle about 3 weeks and is still very sweet, I'm also getting a slight "ale" taste from the S-04 plus it only fermented down to around 1014. :(

Cheeky Vimto Mark II
This was brewed 2 weeks ago and I've bottled it today, I changed the recipe so it was similar to Muddydisco's by adding sugar, I also used Young's cider yeast this time and it fermented down to 1002, couldn't believe it when the hydrometer sank to the bottom. :D
The o.g was 1068 so I believe I've got potential alcohol of 9% (knicker remover) :whistle:

This is the recipe I finally went with and it tastes fantastic with just a slight dryness!

Cheeky Vimto
13L Apple Juice
2L Vimto Cordial
350g White Sugar
1pkt Young’s Cider Yeast

Supping this now, tastes fantastic :clap:
Ok heres a pic of the cheeky Vee....Been fermenting for 7 days...has a OG of 1.040 at the mo

Lets hope it keeps going :pray: and then i will have 18lt of the wonderful stuff. :thumb:

OK Update...Seems to be dropping 0.010 a day on the hydrometer,now at by weds should be at the magic 1.010,will mean its taken 11 days to get to that point........Will it be around 6 to 7% at that stage??

I thought i'd have a go at making this cidr, so i went ahead and made 30 litres of the stuff!!, anyways, i bottled it last friday, and although its not ready until this friday, i decided to try a bottle last night, Bloody hell muddy!, its very strong, i put it around 12%?, put it this way, i put some in a wine glass, and it leaves that 'oily' mark in the glass like you get wiht spirits, and it seemed to smel of wine for some reason, maybe because it wasn't chilled, anyways, i have got 55 bottles of some serious rocket fuel!!
Any other suggestions for other apple juices like this muddy!!
Ben busy lately!
Hey all.

Thinking of giving this a go in the *hope* that we might have some hot days soon. It's going to be my first brew that doesn't involve a kit, so I was wondering if someone could just confirm a few things for me so that I don't end up with a keg full of something undrinkable.

I'm doing around 25 litres of this (I'm a student so I like a drink or 10 every now and again) and was wondering if a 11g packet of s-04 would be a good amount of yeast for this?
I'm worried that I'm going to mess something up in the brewing process. To confirm, once the vimto, sugar, apple juice and yeast are in the bin, the bin should go in a warm place for a week, then a cold place for a week and then it should be kegged in a cold place for a couple of weeks?

Probably all stupid questions, but I figgured that if I'm going to take brewing to the next level, I might as well make sure I'm doing it right.

Any thoughts / flames are welcome - it sounds like I'll be enjoying this quite a lot. :d

ben said:
Hey all.
I was wondering if an 11g packet of S-04 would be a good amount of yeast for this?
I'd give the S-04 a miss, it's cracking yeast in all ales but left a malty taste in the cider that shouldn't have been there.
I found Young's cider yeast to be a cracking yeast for the job, I also believe some small cider makers use this yeast strain. :hmm:

Chears - Young's it is then.
Was I right about when to keg it etc?
ben said:
To confirm, once the vimto, sugar, apple juice and yeast are in the bin, the bin should go in a warm place for a week, then a cold place for a week and then it should be kegged in a cold place for a couple of weeks?

With cider/beer it is normally warm place to ferment, clear for a bit in warm place (if you can), keg and prime, leave in a warm place for another 3 days or so then transfer to a cool place to condition/clear. That's if you want some fizz in the brew, if you want a still cider type drink then you can ignore the priming and move it straight to a cool place (might want to degass before you let it clear though).
Chears for the great advice everyone, going to give this a go tomorrow or friday.
My dining room / kitchen now looks rather weird. I have 20 litres of apple juice with a couple bottles of vimto ontop of it. Plus, I'm a geek, so theres lodes of computer parts scattered everyware.

FV2 has just been commissioned with its inaugural brew. It now contains 4.5ish litres of cheeky Vimto with an OG of ~1.070.

725ish ml of vimto, 150g of sugar, apple juice, and a sprinkling of Youngs cider yeast.

I've done my bit now so, yeasties, it's over to you...
You will see by the amount of posts I have made....I am more of a reader than a poster...BUT I have just made 24 litres of the stuff and I have become addicted! What a brew! Got 8.6%. Gotta keep my 15 year daughter and her mates away from it....think I will lock the cellar door somehow. Also done an Orange Wurzel wine too. What an ace site. Keep up the good work guys!
I've been drinking my way through my first 5 gal batch of this for quite a while now and it's some pretty nice stuff, even if I do forget how to use my legs after a couple two many.

When I keg'd it, I primed it quite a bit which worked out quite well, however, I've taken a few bottles up to uni with me which are now pretty flat and it's actually pretty nice. I've been freezing a bottle for 45 minutes or so before I start drinking it and it makes for a smooth, cool and refreshing drink.
Baring this in mind, I'm thinking of making a smaller and slightly less alcoholic batch of this in the summer and using it in trifles. I know it sounds pretty strange, but it's a really nice drink when it's cold&flat and I figgured it would go well with fruit.

Jmo and thanks so much for the recipe.
Ok, apologies for not wanting to sift through 11 pages of thread but...

I want to give this a go today. This is what I'm thinking:

  • 18.5 litres of apple juice from Lidls.[/*:m:2vkm2wxb]
  • 4.5 litres of Vimto (boiled for ten mins etc).[/*:m:2vkm2wxb]
  • 750 grams of sugar.[/*:m:2vkm2wxb]
  • A cup of black tea made from three tea bags?[/*:m:2vkm2wxb]
  • Young's cider yeast (The whole packet I presume?)[/*:m:2vkm2wxb]

I plan to stop the fermentation at 1.020 with campden and potassium sorbate to stop it getting too dry.

Does this all sound ok. I miss anything.

I'm guessing that it's meant to be a flat cider, as people are stopping the fermentation early. Unless I force carbonate it in my keg of course.

Thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it! :D
Spitfire, I am no expert and am fairly new to homebrewing. But here is what I did with my vimto. My quantities were a lot smaller than yours as I only did a gallon. But I let it ferment for 10 days (it had a massive foam on the top for 9 days but on day 10 it had disappeared so I gathered fermentation was nearly over)

On day 10 I racked it and then bottled it without potassium sorbate or campdens. I then put into the bottles 1 tsp of sugar per litre. Kept it somewhere warm for a week then put it somewhere cool and drank it a week or so later.
It ended up a lovely fizzy refreshing drink. I did try to keep some still with p/s and campdens and something went wrong with it I think cos it tasted nasty and looked bad too. It got thrown away before it reached bottles.

This lot I have going now is going to be fizzy.
Hi Guys

I have just filtered my CV from one DJ to another with potassium sorbate & a campden tablet but reading through this post is that incorrect? I basically copied Moleys WOW instructions, the CV had been fermenting for around 16 days and so far has been sat in kicthen for 3 days in new DJ. I'm now a little unsure of what to do next?
I might be wrong on this but if you were wanting a carbonated cider then the potassium sorbate will put a stop to that.

As i say, I might be wrong or maybe you weren't wanting carbonated so I'll shut up lol :cheers:
thursday busy making this brew but tweeked 5lts...maybe arsed it up more than tweeked :grin:
1lt vimto boiled up 3 lts apple juice and around 600g sugar and a champaine yeast 3g & 2g super wine yeast,og1010 but think i might ave miss read that with all that sugar og should be more?
today at gravity @1010 .
question is this to make brew stronger in alcoplonk :grin: or do i add more yeast to eat the high sugar content :?
smells good and tastes nice an fruity :D
Just made up a batch of this a moment ago.

I used 75cl of Vimto and 4 litres of Apple Juice. I boiled the Vimto as recommended


The chucked it all into the FV. O.G was measured at 1.034 which, when it ferments out to c.994, will give me about 5% APV. I'll then PS and Campden, then back sweeten to taste.

I want this to be a quaffable, easy drinking alco-pop stylie drink.

Looking forward to drinking it soon! :thumb:
I've been struggling to get mine to start :( I began with a generic wine type yeast from a home brew shop... a couple of days later.... Bugger all but the odd fart... Got a packet of wine yeast from wilkinsons and nutrient... bugger all squared... Finally I thought **** or bust and bunged a wodge (official term) of my bread making yeast in the fucker.... Two hours later it's going absolutely ****... God knows if that yeast is completely stupid to add but it's doing something... :party:

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