Cheeky Vimto

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BarnsleyBrewer said:
I'm doing.
12ltr Apple Juice
2ltr Vimto
1 pkt Safale S-04
Not putting any sugar in, I want to bottle it and not wanting it too dry
Thrown this today, been in the bottle about 3 weeks and is still very sweet, I'm also getting a slight "ale" taste from the S-04 plus it only fermented down to around 1014. :(

Cheeky Vimto Mark II
This was brewed 2 weeks ago and I've bottled it today, I changed the recipe so it was similar to Muddydisco's by adding sugar, I also used Young's cider yeast this time and it fermented down to 1002, couldn't believe it when the hydrometer sank to the bottom. :D
The o.g was 1068 so I believe I've got potential alcohol of 9% (knicker remover) :whistle:

This is the recipe I finally went with and it tastes fantastic with just a slight dryness!

Cheeky Vimto
13L Apple Juice
2L Vimto Cordial
350g White Sugar
1pkt Young’s Cider Yeast

Good on ya for sticking with it :thumb:
It's not to everyone's tastes but hey it's fun to try!
Been asked by a friend to make a frosty jacks cider? Told it's something like 15%?? Oh well of to try and make rocket fuel!
As much as I love S-04 in beer for me it's a no-go in cider... The Young's as battled more with the sugars, whereas the S-04 surrendered at 1014. ;)

It's a winner from me MD :thumb:

Wanting to give this a go..I got from wilkos today a tub of yeast nutrient and a pack of wine yeast.Will i be ok with the wine yeast and how much yeast nutrient to use.I plan to make a 20lt and then transfer to a corny and force carb to make it a fizzy drink.Also is it a must to have campden tablets etc?

Thanks :thumb:
I used wine yeast & it came out still, but if you plan to force carbonate it should be ok,(if I'm wrong on that point someone will correct me). Yeast nutrient is one teaspoon per Gallon/5 Litres.
I always use Campden tablets with everything.Good luck :thumb:
muddydisco said:
It's not to everyone's tastes but hey it's fun to try!
Sorry, I'm drinking it, but only because I want the bottles back for something else.
Won't be making any more, but I'll try anything once. :cheers:
ive had a go, its yet to be bottled but me and Mrs turbo was arguing over the trial jar. Its each to there own really. I used wine yeast and im planin on drinking it with lemonade or something to give it a fizz
Ok so i have this on the go now...As i used a powwow water bottle with rubber bung and bubbler,Used 14 litres of princess apple juice ( on offer at 50p at morrisons )
boiled 3 litres of vimto for at least 30 mins added 750 grams of sugar..Used a wine yeast packet from wilkos and 1 teaspoon of nutriant,Now afew hours later the yeast seems to have come to the top of the bottle and floating there...Does this sound right??The room its in is at around 18 - 20 degress.Thanks
Sounds good to me :thumb: . Keep an eye on the yeast and it should start to rise and fall. Then it will start to fizz. Its more entertaining than the telly this stuff. If you want hard core entertainment get an Orange Wurzel on the go now that is fun to watch :D
Ok have read through most of this section and there seem to be two schools of thought, 1) vimto hooch, 2) vimto cider, 3) there is no 3!! :grin: , in my humble opinion a cider should be between 6 and 8% and as such cider yeast should suffice, ale yeast will convey some flavour to the finished result so I would not use it; as for "hooch"! then the answer has to be Sauterns yeast/restart/dessert wine or champagne yeast all will produce a reasonable alcohol level possibly up to 20%, 1080 SG and feed the remaining 1lb 14oz a little at a time, if you want 14% fast! this is the boy! 24 hours wahhey!!(only for nutters :rofl: ).
Personally I would go for champagne yeast, I'm not posh by any means but I like my alcohol user friendly ;) and it does drop clear rather nicely and is good at lower temperatures, it is my yeast of choice for all white wines even rose' and a little stays active in suspension even when the wine has dropped clear, ideal for secondary fermentation in the bottle, sparkling allsorts (not liqourice!) :grin:.
Ok...My cheeky Vee has been on the go for 5 days.Its producing a bubble pop ever 10 seconds or so.When i take the bung out the top its fizzing away like a can of coke.

I have broken my hydrometer ( stood on it :( ) I will move it into another powwow water bottle to take it off the yeast,When should i do this as:-

A: I plan to add finings ( is this right ) to help it to clear
B: I plan to transfer it then to one of my cornies to force carbonate.

Help Please as its my first one and all seems good so far and dont want to mess it up :pray: :thumb: :cheers:
No need for finings Arthur this will clear all on its own. When you rack it off add a crushed Campden tablet & some Potasium Sorbet if you planning to force carbonate.
Thanks for the offer Turbotez...I live in mansfield,Notts.

Thanks snail....when should i add and campden tablet and where can i get them???Thanks both for your repleys :thumb:
arthurbear said:
when should i add and campden tablet and where can i get them???
Add when you rack, when it has completely finished fermenting or the gravity is low enough, according to your own tastes, and assuming you've bought a new hydrometer.

Get them from Wilkinson's or your LHBS. Sorbate may be labelled as “wine stabiliser”.
Ok got a new hydrometer...Try not to break this one :oops:

The brew is at 1.050 at the mo and the bubble pops are every 4 secs or so....Whats a recommended average for the hydro to read?

Just to add I tried the pub version of this over the weekend for the first time, Its quite refreshing drink for a summers day.

Tried mine today and both me and the wife agree it tastes the same........When its done i'm gonna move to a corny,Force carb at around 60 psi to make it very fizzy and then when i pour a glass will add a small part lemonade with ice cubes :thumb: :cheers: