carling drinker Home brew ideas needed.

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Active Member
Apr 25, 2012
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As the title title says realy i love a can of lager. ia m new to home brewing so whats your ideas for a lager thats tastes close to carling.

**** in a jar and only joking :shock: i take it you would be doing a kit brew ? you might try the coopers lager kits i hear the're good :cheers:
@pittsy i am gonna have to watch you i think lol :D

yer kit brew it is mate an a first timer. have the beginers kit i bought the other day along with a pressure keg. Only prob i have at the min is keeping it warm our house gets bloody cold

cheers :drunk:
welcome mate kits are so good to start with but some of the cheap one can be a bit doge so look for a good middle of the range one and don't rush them and you can get some very good beer from them :thumb:
:eek: :eek: Thats quite a brave statement to say on this forum

However more l*ger drinkers have been joining us of late.

Welcome to the forum :thumb:

Not a L*ger drinker myself but the coopers kits seem to crop up a lot.

We are a freindly P*ss taking bunch buit someone is always on hand to try and help you with any problems you may have.
graysalchemy said:
:eek: :eek: Thats quite a brave statement to say on this forum

However more l*ger drinkers have been joining us of late.

Welcome to the forum :thumb:

Not a L*ger drinker myself but the coopers kits seem to crop up a lot.

We are a freindly P*ss taking bunch buit someone is always on hand to try and help you with any problems you may have.

Surely that's a l*rger drinker?
No just a L*ger drinker

I have learnt how to spell, just can't bring my self to say the word out load though :lol: :lol:
Duncs said:
They are both a light crisp lager with a bit more flavour than Carling.

I didn't think you could use the words flavour and l*ger in the same sentence. :lol: :lol:
graysalchemy said:
Duncs said:
They are both a light crisp lager with a bit more flavour than Carling.

I didn't think you could use the words flavour and l*ger in the same sentence. :lol: :lol:

:rofl: I'd be truly amazed if they had any less
graysalchemy said:
Duncs said:
They are both a light crisp lager with a bit more flavour than Carling.

I didn't think you could use the words flavour and l*ger in the same sentence. :lol: :lol:

Now, when it comes to the megafactory l*(r)ger 5H173 I couldn't agree more...

...but I happen to know that some exceptional lager, "no sweary word" lager is brewed mere miles from me. We are talking bottles (resusable and just the right height for milk crates) of 3.8%, crisp, chamapgne-fizzy (you know, the expensive stuff with the tight little bubbles that aren't like lemonade bubbles), flavoursome interesting, properly brewed, cared for and lagered lager.

I'm prepared to bet that even you, GA, would drink one and extole its virtues! Seriously... it's that good.

Assuming I'm allowed to plug a commercial brewery: It's their "3.8" that I love, their premium is good too and I haven't worked my way round the rest yet...

Back to the OP though: If you genuinely are a "C*rling and nowt else" kind of chap then homebrew, even from kits, will come as a bit of a shock. There is a whole load more flavour in there than you're used to!

+1 though for the Coopers kits, haven't done one of their lagers but the ales and stouts I've done were good and others are complimentary about the lagers.
H0N3YoM0N5T3R said:
First ever kit Younges Brew Buddy 40 pint lager. due 12-5.12
Just don't let that Brew Buddy kit :sick: put you off brewing your own
calumscott said:
I'm prepared to bet that even you, GA, would drink one and extole its virtues! Seriously... it's that good.

Assuming I'm allowed to plug a commercial brewery: It's their "3.8" that I love, their premium is good too and I haven't worked my way round the rest yet...

I am not adversed to a proper lager but lager does require lagering something that fizzy pop factories don't do.
Indeed! Which is why when I tried this stuff I was properly blown away. It ain't cheap though...

I guess we all have a "Someday I'm going to brew..." list, and a lager of this sort of quality is most definitely on mine. But then that's once we're in the new house (moving along nicely, fingers still crossed), fully AG'd up, practised, fermenting/lagering fridge in place etc etc etc...

...Hmmmm, perhaps I need to go and get a couple of bottles just to see me through... could do with the empties... :hmm: :whistle: