I done a brew today with no hop spider for the first time. Just chucked 66g of pellets in at 60.
I done my 3rd brew yesterday and used the supplied hop spider for the first time (1st brew I used nothing & 2nd had Hop tea bags).
I found the spider sat below the level of the brew. I wasnt sure if the hops would sink low down in the spider but they pretty much just floated up over the edge...as you would expect.
2nd hop addition I just placed in the brew as I have done previously. When fininshed there was some hop sludge in the spider and yes it wasnt the easiest thing to clean. I wasnt sure about the tea bags but they seem to work pretty well. Maybe a muslim bag weighted is a btter solution. Either that or I bend the hook on my spider so it sits higher.
I guess its not a problem on brews with boil voloumes of under 25lts though? I was pretty full at 30ltrs