BrewMate, Free Beer Recipe Designer!

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Hi Rob
I have also enjoyed using Brewmate. It might be me swapping from BeerSmith to Brewmate or just not looking (or just dumb) but last night I couldn't seem to find lager malt in the grain list.

(At work at the moment so can't take a look to be 100% sure.)

Yeah ok i just double checked. as soon as i try to open it i just get a microsoft windows window :shock: saying and i quote

"BrewMate has stopped working"
"A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." then one box below which says close program.

As regards the lager malt question if i remember rightly you can input the malts you want. i always checked my malt analysis sheets (normally come in my bags of malt) and just input the figure that tells you the dry litre degrees figure. this was one of my favourite features as the program lets you alter the malts to your own specification. also the hop stats could be altered as obviously cascade isnt always 7% alpha acid.
Hey Mephistopholes,

What Operating System are you running? and what folder do you have BrewMate installed in e.g. C:\BrewMate

I'll try and replicate the problem on this end

Cheers Rob.
Hey Mephistopholes,

Can you please try something for me, either move the "BrewMate" folder to you C Drive or install it to C:\BrewMate

Cheers Rob.
Sorry just double checked and that was where it was installed originally. it was beersmith in the programs folder. which i dont find nearly as user friendly.
Hey Mephistopholes,

Can you flick me an email ([email protected]) i've got a few more ideas i'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it
just didnt want to clutter up the forum working it out

Cheers Rob.
Problem sorted. I installed into a new folder like you said and its working fine again. thanks for the help.

Liking the new features. gonna save a bit of time having all the extra presets dialed in already. :cheers:
What a great piece of software! Top job!

I was just wondering, if you wanted ideas for tweaks whether you could include hydrometer temperature corrections from other calibration temperatures than 15 degrees? (e.g. for hydrometers that are calibrated to 20 degrees) Not a great worry I know, but if it's easy to add, It'd be great. :thumb:

Edit: Just found a wee hiccup in recipe exporting for you. If you export to text while in ECB mode, it still thinks it's in SRM mode and gives the SRM as the real EBC and gives the EBC as something higher. For instance, if my recipe is for a 19.4/38.3 SRM/EBC beer, and I export as text in SRM mode, it says "Colour (SRM): 19.4 (EBC): 38.2" but if I export while in EBC mode it gives me "Colour (SRM): 38.3 (EBC): 75.5". Sorry, I'm good at breaking things. :D
Hey Alestar,

Thanks for the heads up, I will make a note and check out both of those things you have suggested.

Hey Alestar,

I've fixed the bug you have spotted (thanks so much!) and it's on the BrewMate Website ready for you to try out :)

Cheers Rob.