I keep and dispense the acids in the garage now as it seems safer.
Umm.... well not quite the vapour cabinet but yes with nitrile gloves... and with some of the powders like chemclean and calcium hydroxide I have been known to use an FFP2 mask. (just me then....).
It's a mixture of hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Murphey's have a data sheet somewhere on which they say that 35ml of AMS (CRS) per hectolitre will reduce alkalinity by 64ppm and increase chloride levels by 22.5 ppm and sulphate levels by 31 ppm.
You should be able to work it out from that
I agree entirely. I'm not even sure that a municipal water supply can maintain exactly the same level of salts and alkalinity day after day. Do we test the supply every time we brew? A megakeggery might, but I certainly don't.What level of accuracy are people actually shooting for in their water treatment anyway?
I normally add 2-4g of calcium salts, probably with an accuracy of 0.1g.
And normally 3-6ml of lactic acid, probably with an accuracy of 0.2ml. both of these are quick and super easy (kitchen scales and Calpol syringe).
I would be very surprised if I could taste the difference in two batches 23L of beer, where the water additions varied by 1g of salts and 1ml of acid. So for me, good enough is good enough and I won't get any benefit from more accuracy