brewing resolutions

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How do you calculate both mash and brew house efficiency? Is it fairly easy?
kev said:
Do you mean brew house efficiency?

If be happy with that number! 55% for me.


Yes, the overall efficiency of the setup.

I've managed 72% on one brew last year, but that involved all sorts of shenigans to get liquid out of deadspots.

Just between my mash tun and boiler I lose almost 5 litres of liquid, 3 of those in the boiler, if I can reliably get just those 3 litres out it will puch my efficiency up a bit :)

I think I could possibly get better figures out my mash tun if I worked on my technique of mixing hot liquor and grains, or even modify the tun to fill from the bottom, again, only a couple of percent, but....

As I mentioned, a lot of what I know would work will cost me money, and I'm not sure the improvements would be worth doing. Still, there is always the next brewery build to plan for, you know, the entirely shiny one with pumps and stuff ;) :)
To get to the bottom of the issues I have with my tap water and to brew more.
Good luck to you all in 2014.
honeymonster said:
I want to brewing AG at some point next year. I get married in April so no spare pennies to get the necessary kit until after that.

Hope everyone has a good one!

Surely, this is what the wedding list is for!

My resolution would be to brew enough and far enough in advance so I have some beer ready for the big occasions.
I want to get through the whole year and source all my wine ingredients from the hedgerow thus not spending a penny on ingredients (apart from sugar, yeast and all the other additives of course)
Mine are easy:-

1) lose 2 stones before my Wedding anniversary (end of May)...then a further stone before my jollies in August
2) not to buy beer to drink at home unless its for the yeast
3) do something every day that requires me to get off my fat spotty **** to help with resolution 1
4) brew every 4 weeks at the brewery, gaining more accounts.
5) finally get Stowins recipe perfected to brew on the big kit
To kick the year off with a stock building couple of brew days and then stick my one 40+ bottle batch every quarter, that way I shouldn't run out, but we'll see.

First off will be the St Peters Red Ruby I got for Christmas.
1. lose 14KG for 2014 (just over 2 stone)
2. move from biab to 3 vessel
3. experiment with different yeasts
4. perfect a house ale
Well, take it as read that I could stand to lose a bit of weight too. But my actual resolution as far as far as brewing is concerned is to sort out my brewing schedules so that some of my better beers have a reasonable chance of getting to their peak before I drink 'em. I'm planning on doing a big batch of fairly low ABV "sacrificial bitter" every so often which I can get stuck into while the good stuff matures. Can't quite see how that fits in with losing weight, though...