I'm new to brewing (have 3 kits in different stages), wanted to be adventurous and try a wheat beer to be ready in time for summer so got the Tarweiber.
I saw a recommendation for Candi sugar, so bought 500g (white crushed). I know the instructs say 750g, but they didn't sell that amount, I figured I would try and make 250g of my own but am thinking now that it might be too much as it also includes more purchases (jam thermometer/citric acid) and just spent another £70 incl getting a bottle rinser and tree, if I keep spending I think my missus will go mad.
Is it possible to use 500g Candi Sugar and say 250g Brewing Sugar mixed?
I also saw Golden Syrup as a good alternative, could you combine Candi sugar and that for a better mix and does the syrup apply to the same rules i.e. 250g of it (I noticed that Bowl sprayer on page 2 did a ratio of about 1.4:1 for golden syrup, so am guessing it needs more, is he about right?)
Thanks for any help!