they say that to clear the beer, to the minimum of dead yeast cells, that will provoque a big sediment in the bottle!!!! but because its a wheat beer will never be completly clear!!!
i did this kit too, and i didnt let it at secondary mora than 3 days, and regret, bec ause has a lot o of sediement...but, the taste after 6 weeks in the bottle is wonderfull :thumb:
at the foto the beer is one month older, now is much more clear and improved a lot the taste!!!
i did this kit too, and i didnt let it at secondary mora than 3 days, and regret, bec ause has a lot o of sediement...but, the taste after 6 weeks in the bottle is wonderfull :thumb:

at the foto the beer is one month older, now is much more clear and improved a lot the taste!!!