Just for anyone looking at this and wondering why its blank:
I started brewing this end of last week (from memory Thursday 05/04/12), so once its fermented out and bottled I can put a review up. I believe there are a couple of other members who are brewing this as we speak, so there should be a few posts going up in the near future.
All I can say is that upon opening the tin I was instantly hit with the smell of raspberries....lovely!. I made this up to around 2 Gal using 500G light candy sugar and some ashbeck mineral water, took an OG that was giving me a potential of around 6.5%, which I thought was a higher ABV than what the kit suggests, thinking nothing of it, I gave everything a good stir and pitched the supplied yeast at around 21C, I then realised I had not added enough water and topped up with another 2 litres (forgot to take another reading though) :hmm:
In terms of fermentation kicking off, this is the quickest I have ever seen anything happen. I must have pitched just after midnight, woke up at 4am and it was already bubbling like crazy, and from what I could make out there appeared to be a large krausen ring forming.
I will update once bottled, I hope that this will make a nice summer treat , but I have a feeling it may not start coming into its own until next year, but we shall see.
So far though, all seems to be going well, still fermenting away like mad at a temp of around 20c, and the smell coming out of the airlock is amazing! reminds me of yogurt :party:
I forgot to mention, when I took my OG I did have a quick taste, rather than throw it back into the fermenter :whistle: . Tasted OK, but was nothing special at that stage, I do have high hopes for it though, as so far every brewferm kit I have made has been amazing, but they all tend to take a long time to condition.
Will keep you all posted. If anyone has any experience of using this kit, will be interested in comparing notes
I started brewing this end of last week (from memory Thursday 05/04/12), so once its fermented out and bottled I can put a review up. I believe there are a couple of other members who are brewing this as we speak, so there should be a few posts going up in the near future.
All I can say is that upon opening the tin I was instantly hit with the smell of raspberries....lovely!. I made this up to around 2 Gal using 500G light candy sugar and some ashbeck mineral water, took an OG that was giving me a potential of around 6.5%, which I thought was a higher ABV than what the kit suggests, thinking nothing of it, I gave everything a good stir and pitched the supplied yeast at around 21C, I then realised I had not added enough water and topped up with another 2 litres (forgot to take another reading though) :hmm:
In terms of fermentation kicking off, this is the quickest I have ever seen anything happen. I must have pitched just after midnight, woke up at 4am and it was already bubbling like crazy, and from what I could make out there appeared to be a large krausen ring forming.
I will update once bottled, I hope that this will make a nice summer treat , but I have a feeling it may not start coming into its own until next year, but we shall see.
So far though, all seems to be going well, still fermenting away like mad at a temp of around 20c, and the smell coming out of the airlock is amazing! reminds me of yogurt :party:
I forgot to mention, when I took my OG I did have a quick taste, rather than throw it back into the fermenter :whistle: . Tasted OK, but was nothing special at that stage, I do have high hopes for it though, as so far every brewferm kit I have made has been amazing, but they all tend to take a long time to condition.
Will keep you all posted. If anyone has any experience of using this kit, will be interested in comparing notes