Brewferm Diabolo

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Oct 10, 2014
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So I grabbed two cans of the Brewferm Diabolo today since the last batch of the Triple went so well. Got my son down for his nap and I got started. the guy at the store sold me on a bag of light malt to use with an additional 500g of brewing sugar instead if the normal sugar requirements. I'm in Italy and he didn't speak much English but he said it would give it many more flavors and be better. We'll see. Anyways here's a few pics if the process.
the kit.
the extra malt.
and a few of the beers for all the "hard work".
tried to chill it down in the sink but it was taking a little longer than I wanted. So I went with the freezer.
that made things move along a lot faster. I'm guessing a wort chiller would help. But hey an empty freezer works I guess.
mixed up the yeast one last time and pitched it. took a quick reading and off to the broiler room to bubble up!
I'll have to come back and update after a week or so when it's ready for bottles. Happy Brewing!
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Interesting post, right enough.

Any more info on the process you followed here, which yeast(s) you pitched and the thinking behind the methodology, Duffy?

Don't doubt it will turn out fine, but fascinated by how you come to be asking an Italian for advice on brewing a Belgian kit beer. :-o
The reason or methodology for using the English Ale yeast was just because of his recommendation. He owns a home brew shop. I've brewed 4 times an the Brewferm Triple he had me do the same yeast in turned out good. That was actually the only drinkable beer I've made thus far. Anyways, it's a simple process and hopefully makes another batch of drinkable beer. If it turns out I'll save a few bottles and remake it with the Belgian yeast and see if there's a difference.
I started my first brewferm kit today and I found it hard to get the temp down to 20c but eventually iit got there, after 3.5hrs lol. Mine is the triple though.
The brewferm yeast doesn't taste very Belgian so replacing it is probably a good idea. I'm not sure I'd have gone for a standard ale yeast but it'll probably improve it a bit.
Right. I looked at the yeast and definitely doesn't say Belgian yeast so not sure really what I'm missing out on. Well see
I've got one of these today goin to wait to brew this one anybody got which is best way to brew instructions give so many different ways
I've just tried a cheeky bottle of this.
I brewed it up including a secondary ferment in a spare FV.
The first bottle I tried (the obligatory "carbonation checker") was promising. It obviously needed cool storage and aging, so was young and still overly sweet from the golden syrup I used in the mix. Still, it showed great promise.
Now, a few weeks of cold storage in the garage have transformed it. The excess sweetness has gone and the flavours are starting to shine through.
A few more weeks in the garage, and this should be a cracker! It's got a kick, so it's definitely not a session beer!

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