Brew in a Bag Efficiency

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£0.002 per gram....increasing your efficiency might save you maybe 10g or so of grain? you saying that is expensive?
No, and I didn't say it was. I merely questioned your statement that Malt is cheap, I wouldn't call £40 for 25kgs plus delivery cheap.
I don't agree on this foxy.
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I guess it depends on what you're comparing it to. I think it's dirt cheap on the basis you're only using around 4 - 6kg for a typical homebrew batch so assuming your costings and even at 6kg of malt per batch if you fancy something with some bite its only £9.60 for a 20 litre batch or 27p per pint contribution to your brew costs...and grain is expensive at the moment. That's alot cheaper than a pint of milk or a loaf of bread to put it into context..I think that is a bloody bargain, especially compared to the cost of hops and yeast. Half the cost of my more hoppy beers is hops and yeast and they're a fraction of the overall weight of the ingredients.

But even so, you might be able to improve your efficiency by say 5% at the most so, assuming you're already achieving reasonable efficiency, your savings are pretty slight...a few pence per batch...I guess the old saying about watching the pennies etc. applies, but you're going to be waiting a hell of a long time and brewing a fair few batches for the pounds to look after themselves.
I know grain has doubled in price in recent times but it would take around 200g of extra grain in a 4%ish brew to raise it 5 points.
I brewed on Sunday biab no sparge or chill in a digiboil boiler with an ink bird controlling the mash temperature 4.5 kg maris otter 0.5kg crystal malt and 120g wheat malt 120g of goldings at various stages hit all of my numbers as per my brewfather recipe 1045 pre-boil. Today the OG was 1052 when transferred to my pressure FV. for the first time ever I manually recirculated and stirred during the mash. Might have mashed for a bit over an hour.