BIAB query

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Excuse the sheer laziness in not trying to figure this out myself but you guys will know the answer straight away :) ............

Using a 40 litre buffalo boiler how many litres of wort ( max ) could I expect to end up with using the biab method ?

Many thanks
About 20-23 with a standard BIAB but Maxi you cold get more.

Assuming that you have5kg of grain which absorbs 5L of water then you'll have a pre boil volume of 30L if it was filled to the max then its down to evaporation and how much is taken up by the hops. If you use a hop sock you can squeeze the wort out and minimise how much is lost to the hops.

MaxiBIAB is when you dunk the grain bag in another vessel of water then add it into the boiler either at the beginning or as it boils off, so you could maybe another get to a 30+ brew length if you wanted.
Jeltz is spot on I think. My boiler is about 30L and with a MaxiBIAB-type approach I can get up to 23L into the FV, so say 75% of the boiler size. For you, that means 30L of course.

23L/5 gallon seems to be a standard brew though and for this you should have no issues.