As you know, I've had great results with M36 for more fruity stuff; so M42 looks interesting, but I think it will have to provide something special to beat Wilko's Nottingham in the value stakes when looking for a neutral ale yeast.
Ah, well if comparing it to Gervin, then no it's probably not going to be hugely better. lol I've never actually used Gervin or Danstar Nottingham though to be honest. Price wise though, £1.85 vs £2.34 is chump change to my mind. Both of the suppliers I use stock Mangrove Jacks yeasts, so it's easy enough to just order a few packets alongside hops and grain.
Our Wilkos sucks for home brewing supplies by the way. They're completely aimed at kit brews, and usually don't even have any ale yeast in stock. They don't even stock "enhancer", it's a miracle if they even have dextrose in stock...