Beersmith 2.0

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Yes, there will be a Mac version .. but no, definitely not free.

Sad but true.
I really like Beersmith, I think when I got it it was about £10 :hmm:
Not sure how much it will be, but I'll definately be getting it.

Have been using the old version for a few years now & can't brew without it, so handy for keeping track of recipes. All of the calculators are invaluable too.

Wez said:
I really like Beersmith, I think when I got it it was about £10 :hmm:

So far my recipes have been done useing the forum recipe maker calculator thingamywidgitything. Is Beersmith worth investing in then Wez.
I use both to be honest, the forum calc is very good but Beersmith has lots of features such as inventory control which are useful.

(added 2 to THBF this week)
I've just pre-ordered mine. I'm making the switch from Brewmate which was pretty good for a free program.
ahah, the website states $27.95 which is £17.25 in real money at the moment.

I think I paid aboot £15 for the old version, and personally I'll be getting the new version as soon as it releases, it's served me really well.

They do a free 21day trial, so whilst the new version isnt out yet I'd still recommend downloading the current version and giving a spin.
I use the current version and I think it is very good - not perfect but it has really helped me. I have no problems paying for it as I use it often.
If you already have Beersmith you can get a discount on the new version, plus theres a discount for pre-order.

Just pre-odered my copy, with the two discounts it came to £10.70. bargain.
I don't think the advertised additions to the program really explain the hefty price tage for existing beersmith owners, the upgrade fee should be a lot less.
Sorry folks, life has been a bit hectic in the last few days. Hopefully Brad won't mind me copying his email here (at least the bit that refers to pricing)
Regular Pricing
The regular price (both Mac and PC) for BeerSmith 2 will be $27.95 (US). This is a great value for the average homebrewer given all of the features we’ve packed into the new release, and is less than the cost of a bad batch of beer for most brewers. In addition I will be offering discounts (below) for those who choose to preorder as well as existing users wishing to upgrade.
Preorder Discount
Those who wish to purchase BeerSmith 2 in advance of the formal release date can get it for the discount price of $23.95. The preorder applies to both PC and Mac. If you preorder, you will receive two registration keys – one for BeerSmith 1.4 (which you can use immediately on the PC) and one for BeerSmith 2 which you can use to download and activate the program (PC or Mac) at its release date.
Existing BeerSmith 1.4 Users
If you have bought BeerSmith 1 at any point in the last 8 years since its release, you can upgrade for a price of $16.95 during the preorder period or $19.95 after launch. Note that the preorder price ($16.95) is only available until the launch date, and the full upgrade price ($19.95) is only going to be available until 31 August 2011. You need your registration key to upgrade.
Also if you purchased BeerSmith after 15 February 2011, you can get a substantial discount on the new version. See this page for further details on how to upgrade if your BeerSmith purchase was made after 15 Feb 2011. This program will be available until 31 July 2011.
Given all of the functionality I would pay 27 dollars new. And have already prepaid for the upgrade.
Inventory, cost of a brew, up/down scale gravity and or volume.
For the cost of a brew it really is worth it
I've only used Beer Engine so far. Is Beersmith that much better?
I don't think its possible, but is there some way I could copy recipes from the homebrew site to a dedicated program other than typing them in one at a time
I've been really impressed with it so far and would have no problem paying the extra for the extra functionality.

Good value in my book.