Batch priming

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2013
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Hi all,

I am very sorry if this sounds like a very dumb question but I am quite new to this and just getting my bearings.

I have been using carbonation drops for the last couple of brews and now have decided to batch prime!..

I will be dispensing my beer (23L) into three 5L mini kegs (rest into bottles).

Is batch priming putting a level teaspoon of sugar into boiling hot water, let it boil for a couple of mins, let it stand to reach room temp and then place into the mini kegs for the dispensing of the beer??

Many thanks for all your help!..
Hi there,

Batch priming is weighing out the sugar for the entire batch, dissolving it in some boiling water, adding it to a clean/sterile FV then racking the beer in on top. Once in place it gets a gentle stir to make sure the sugar is distributed evenly and then it is bottled/kegged etc.

With your plans, batch priming isn't the best solution unfortunately. What I would tend to do is prime and fill the bottles separately from the kegs and then batch prime the remaining beer for the kegs to an acceptable level for your beer style.
and use ordinary granulated sugar ( 3 gms for a 500ml bottle ) its cheaper than the Coopers drops........( you can pinch it out the kitchen ! )
Thanks for the advice guys!..

What I'm thinking I could is bottle from the FV with carbonation drop to 15L and then transfer from the FV into a carboy for batch priming into kegs!..
Spursmatt said:
Thanks for the advice guys!..

What I'm thinking I could is bottle from the FV with carbonation drop to 15L and then transfer from the FV into a carboy for batch priming into kegs!..

That should work fine but the kegs themselves could be batch primed individually. If you are aiming for normal keg pressure then 20g per keg will be fine. That way you could just do all your bottling/kegging in the one go.

I would recommend getting yourself another FV so that you have the option of secondary and bottling. Up to yourself though :)
So 20kg of sugar will be ok for the keg,

Will that be ok for the bottles to as I don't want bottle bombs!!
Spursmatt said:
So 20kg of sugar will be ok for the keg,

Will that be ok for the bottles to as I don't want bottle bombs!!

I'm not sure if we're on the same page.

20g of sugar added to EACH keg then syphon the beer in on top to mix it in :)

For the bottles it depends on the style of beer. If you would normally be using 1 coopers drop then just add 1 leveled off tsp of sugar to each bottle. If you believe that the coopers drops make it too fizzy then go with half a tsp, if you believe the coopers drops aren't fizzy enough then go with slightly heaped tsp of sugar.

You shouldn't need a heaped tsp for anything other than a lager or very light sparkling ale though.
Ah got you now,

My apologies!...

You say add 20g of sugar to each keg, would the but mixed in with water aswell or just poured into the keg on its own!.

I'm very sorry for all the question but I have never done this before!.

All got to start somewhere!!
Spursmatt said:
Ah got you now,

My apologies!...

You say add 20g of sugar to each keg, would the but mixed in with water aswell or just poured into the keg on its own!.

I'm very sorry for all the question but I have never done this before!.

All got to start somewhere!!

Up to yourself really but I personally wouldn't bother. I'd just scoop in 5tsp worth and be done with it :D
But couldn't there be a possibility that the beer could get infected if I just sling it in!..

Anyway I have decided to place in a carboy for a week or so before bottling/kegging!!!
Spursmatt said:
But couldn't there be a possibility that the beer could get infected if I just sling it in!..

Anyway I have decided to place in a carboy for a week or so before bottling/kegging!!!
Just spooning it in will be fine don't worry.
Spursmatt said:
But couldn't there be a possibility that the beer could get infected if I just sling it in!..

Anyway I have decided to place in a carboy for a week or so before bottling/kegging!!!

There is a chance, but I would say its slim.

People sling sugar directly into bottles all the time, and rarely I hear of any issues.
Thank for helping all..

Will properly just do that then!..

Just a bit nervous of exploding kegs!..

Only just got the for me birthday :lol:
ScottM said:
People sling sugar directly into bottles all the time, and rarely I hear of any issues.

Sugar, like salt, is a preservative, in that it draws moisture out of cells, so unless your sugar is damp, it's unlikely anything can grow on it. An unsanitsed spoon on the other hand, could well be an issue.

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