Barley Wine (Wrong forum?)

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Using the wort from the 1st mash strikes me as it could be a little wasteful? And what effect would it have on the chemical reaction, it must either speed it up or slow it down...
The chemical reaction of the mash?

Sorry i'm not too sure what you mean?
Well I mean the reaction or process where substrate (starch present in the grain) is chemically altered by the enzymes (amylase, also present) into the product (sugars).

So would the abundance of sugar already present in the wort used as strike water mean the 2nd mash runs more quickly, less quickly or maybe even just the same? Would the sugar profile of the 'strike wort' alter at all or be kept the same?

Any ideas anyone? I'd be interested to know...

Ah cool - sorry I added the malt extract at the boil and only mashed the malts...

Interesting thought though.

Changed the order of the recipe.
DirtyCaner said:
So would the abundance of sugar already present in the wort used as strike water mean the 2nd mash runs more quickly, less quickly or maybe even just the same? Would the sugar profile of the 'strike wort' alter at all or be kept the same?

Any ideas anyone? I'd be interested to know...


Traditionally the first runnings were used from the mash for a barley wine and the rest was used for a lower graviity beer.

My thoughts would be to mash twice but only use half the ingredients and water in each, as it would be the as one big mash or splitting the mash between two mash tuns. As long as the grain bill is correct for the gravity of beer and the water volumes are correct then there is no difference between splitting the mash or using a bigger mash tun.
SG seems to have settled at 1025 - so 20g cascade dry hop and should be bottling soon!

Wondering about getting the SG down a bit - could I rehydrate and chuck in another packet of US-05? Would this do anything?

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