I love the idea of electric cars, but I'm conflicted thanks to the many voices in my head.
My inner petrolhead keeps asking me why, if they're so much better than petrol cars, do we need to ban internal combustion engines and force people to go electric, instead of gradually letting them choose for themselves?
"Shut up already," responds my inner nerd, "you'll have insane acceleration, practically no servicing, and if you put up some solar panels and the odd wind turbine it'll be free to run."
At that point in the conversation my inner environmentalist pulls out a well-worn photo of
some kids working in a cobalt mine and asks the nerd how this is going to scale up when every car on the road is electric, and we have to get our batteries from somewhere. He sounds vaguely Australian, and more than a little worried.
The inner petrolhead loves this argument and is about to say something about oil having less environmental impact due to a more mature supply chain, when my inner demographer chimes in and points out that it doesn't really matter what we do, because any net saving in carbon emissions over the next 25 years will be negated by the additional carbon emitted by people who haven't even been born yet.
Before anybody can say 'prove it' they all walk to the pub, and all is quiet in my head once more.