No, no, no, Simon. I'm not getting involved in a chapter and verse tennis match, particularly when my interpretation is as valid as yours (according to your rules, not mine, which seems to put an end to discussion) and especially when I asked you to say how the regime you propose would be beneficial. Let's leave it then until we can dispute face to face over a horn or two of mead in the halls of Valhalla. But, just to give you a clue where I'm coming from, I thing the verse "Go forth and multiply, have dominion over nature and subdue it." is directly responsible for the mess we're in now. As for Jesus, this is the guy who urged his followers to ignore filial duty and "let the dead bury their own dead" the guy who caused a perfectly good fig tree to be destroyed because it wasn't bearing fruit as it wasn't the season. What a flidd! We need to look at the deeds and words of Jesus with new eyes. So this sort of stuff would certainly inprove our lives?
Right I'm with Rodcx500z. I, too, have no more comments. I just hope I haven't piissed him off with mine.
Beer calls.