Trying a few things today on the brew day, some good, some not so. Since the boil needs to be vigorous more at the end than the beginning, I used the lid on at times to get the temperature higher then took the lid off once at rolling boil.
I messed up on the grind - tried not grinding the torrifed oats and using a coarse milling on the rest. Great for lautering, not so good on the extract. I undershot on the preboil gravity. This would normally be an issue but since I’m using honey in the secondary as a syrup with the zest - I can compensate if need be.
I also lowered the hop stand temp to 75 for the start - for half an hour - I’m not quite sure why I’d said 90C initially that wasn’t right. Oh and I had to swap magnum for warrior as I’d forgotten I’d switched to warrior as my neutral bittering hop stock.
Right time to chill properly and transfer - should be easier than usual as I’m pitching at 27 which is a lot easier to get to than my usual 9C for a lager!