Well that was a more eventful brewday than I'd have liked... again. I really have to find a way to mount my chiller as twice the pipes dislodged spraying warm sticky wort over the floor and lot else. The boil with the lid though compensated for the volume loss, but did mean the OG was a teeny bit under at 1.070. (using the small colourful hydrometer as my big accurate one only goes up to 1.060.
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It’s a lovely colour though.
The lager has been taken out of its chilly 10 deg and will be at garage ambient for a week 12 to 13°C, and the fermenting fridge swapped round to keeping warm the dubbel. Interesting tasting the wort from the sample tube, first time I've genuinely though hmmm that's nice on it's own.
Observations today... my brew space is a mess!! Agghhhbikes and all sorts have gradually inveigled their way back into my space, I knocked things over and had to mop the floor twice! I also find the full clean up a right royal pain. It is done though now, and I'm going to take the rest of the day a bit easier
My brew space was like that. Mixture of brewing, biking and other general toolage. Its more or less dedicated (or at least as dedicated as it needs to be) to brewing now. The addition of some 5 tier shelving from ScrewFix (£40) made a difference too. There are actual gaps round the wall now rather than piles of stuff everywhere.