So as usual I bit of a bit more than I should today. Thought I’d do a brew day, and while I was about it tidy up the mess of the garage, rearrange my brewing bits and pieces to be neater, sweep out the grain when I’d discovered a mouse had nibbled through the grain bag, put the grain in sealed old plastic fermenting bins instead, nip out to the shops, fill up the car with petrol, make a roast beef dinner, tidy the kitchen, and I even had dreams of doing some paperwork!
To be fair I have done most of those - dinner in progress, wort chilling, most of it tidied…
…I am though now a bit of a puddle from running around juggling family, brew and tidying. I’ll write the brew up properly in a wee bit, but I now have my very own bit of brewing space in the garage that I can keep in place without having to assemble everything

it’s not much but it feels rather lovely to have that bit of my own space all set up ready to go!
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