A bit late on the update from this week’s brewing, despite it being a week of annual leave I’ve been really busy out in the garden so haven’t had the opportunity to post. There’s been quite a bit going on so will split up the updates a bit.
The Everything Stout brew day was more eventful than planned and I didn’t manage a double brew day which now seems for the best as I needed my brew fridge for finishing off my lagers.
In the beginning was about 8 kg grain which mashing in was HUGE and left overnight, managed to balance recirculation though and ended up with a thick inky black wort ... oh and a stuck sparge, I feel I’ve now properly qualified on the brewzilla having never had this before - it took about an hour to drain enough, even with adding an extra litre of fluid. I left the mash pipe to drain in the pot I use for sparge water and topped up the boil every half hour or so with any more still draining.
Sadly the other qualification is now my first boil over -just slight though and was after I added the 3kg of LME which was left till the second hour of the boil - Thankfully caught almost immediately but a bit messy. Added protofloc at 10 min before the end of the boil, and an interesting change not to have any aroma or whirlpool hops.
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Finally left with just about the right volume of thick black wort that looked positively gloopy. Sadly the pump had blocked again for cooling so just gave the coil a bit longer. (Seriously thinking about ditching the immersion cooling and switching to a counter flow chiller). Drained into my old Coopers fermenter with the krausen collar since I’ve read too many accounts of stouts overflowing once fermentation is going well. (good job too as it was just a wee bit foamy!)
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OG right where I was hoping at 1.110 and this was a bit warm so it may be just a little higher. This is the most dense black liquid I’ve ever attempted to brew! I’d estimated 75% efficiency for a 1.112 OG which seems pretty good for such a thick mash, I’m sure the overnight mash helped.
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Two 11g packs of Safale US-05 later and it’s tucked up in the office next to the rest of the gasworks, and even with the collar as a precaution I’m still keeping it on a rubber mat! With the stuck sparge, and fitting in other household things in the day a second brew in the day was clearly not going to happen. I had a lot of fun brewing this!
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My home office is kept fairly steady 20-21 deg, with fermentaters typically showing about 22 deg on their stuck on temperature displays. Thanks to @Pennine for the inspiration and recipe to try this. Next is to soak the oak chips and cacao nibs in whisky....
You may already know it and/or someone else may have already suggested it, but the most effective way to avoid an overflow when the wort comes up to the boil is to stir constantly and spray a fine mist of cold water onto the rising foam. You may have to do it several times, but it does seem to calm things down.
Also worth mentioning is your issue with the blocked pump, and your idea to switch to a counter-flow chiller. It's worth bearing in mind that the same things (grains and hops) that blocked the pump might also block the chiller pipework . . . . . and it will be a lot harder to clean out.