American recipes

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Wow the americans are insane. i would love to try the pliny if i could get my hands on alll those hops.
This one has been jotted down.
shame its all in funny money. i could do with a translator.
retourrbx said:
Has anyone tried brewing any of these American recipes or ones like them

example here

What are they like at that sort of IBU?

Crazy yanks :roll:

They are damned good.!

mmmm hops!

We are nuts for hops in the US homebrewing community, that's for sure

The Most hops I personally have ever used in a single 20L batch was 11.5 oz and it was Goood.

I have a freind who brewed a batch with 2 lbs of hops.
I think those hoptacular ales have a place but I personally don't brew a lot of them. I will maybe brew one or two massively hoppy beers a year. I like them well enough but 5 gallons of insanely hopped beer gets old for my palate quickly. But that's just me.

The trend here seems to be for double/imperial type beers, even commercially. High IBUs. High ABV. There's nothing wrong with that and they are fun to brew from time to time.
While these insanely hopped beers have a, place I quite often feel that way are more a test of bravery than actual enjoyment. And to brew one properly is actually quite easy with the Hops hiding a massive amount of flaws, so you can get away with a lot of errors, flaws and faults. The real art comes when you try and brew a low gravity low IBU beer, you just can't hide flaws in beers like this, you either get them right or wrong.
Agreed. After a couple of pints of these beers, my taste buds are so numb that I can't really enjoy it anyway.

With that said, I have to brew and keg a beer for the Great Lakes Beer Fest this fall and I'll probably do a double IPA because that's what the people expect. When I go to commercial beer festivals, these breweries aren't bringing an English mild, summer ale, or a Kolsch. They bring Quadruple Gonzo Imperial Black Hole Russian Imperial Stouts that get you loaded! :drunk:
phettebs said:
. They bring Quadruple Gonzo Imperial Black Hole Russian Imperial Stouts that get you loaded! :drunk:

I wonder who else brews these this side of the pond?

Bloody nice though, send me some more when ever you feel like it Tony.

i'd be more keen to brew a hardcore stout or porter that needed time to improve I think
Last weekend I grabbed what I thought was a German Alt from my beer fridge to have as a nightcap after a long day of drinking. Imagine my surprise when found it was actually a 2007 Russian Imperial Stout that I brewed with an OG of .110! It aged REALLY well. Didn't think I had any left as I'd given most of them away as Christmas gifts in 2008 so it was a nice surprise. Just wish I was in better shape to have enjoyed it more.