Aluminium vs stainless steal ???

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New Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Hi Everyone.

I am just about setting out on the All grain brew adventure. I seem however to have a hard time finding a pot big enough for my wort (should be around 29L I recon) so any links would be appreciated . Secondly I was wondering if will be any difference in use Aluminium/Stainless steal pot.

Cheers flipper :?
Hi Flipper and welcome to the forum.

Regarding the difference between Aluminium and Stainless, there are differences to do with cleaning etc however both can be used for brewing. Some people will shout about the potential risks of Alzheimers disease when using Aluminium however as far as I am aware there is no conclusive evidence for this. I'd ask please not to get carried away over the medical aspects of the two materials, if this thread gets out of hand, it will be shut down.

Personally I think Stainless is a better material :thumb: but it comes with a higher price tag :roll:
what are the pots from the germans? Ali or Stainless? If your after shiny get the link for them off someone on here. very reasonable prices and they look to be good quality. :thumb:
Stainless is relatively impervious to anything except prolonged exposure to chlorine based cleaners which can cause pitting.
Aluminium will pit with prolonged exposure to acidic substances ie, wort and you have to be careful with cleaners.
Regards dad was Dutch and old school and he/we used aluminium pans for everything, including as a kettle (boiling water for tea/coffee). The brew pan was badly pitted badly after 10 years or so of use so if you're in the hobby for the long run go for the stainless...that's personal experience you can't buy :lol: :roll:
Cheers for that.
I think I will go with stainless steel just to be on the safe side
........ and stainless also a lot easier to clean as well :thumb:
so wot about a rotating sparge arm just for water wot you think ???????????????????????? ie the one i made ?????? :thumb:

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