When I got a G40 in the black friday sale, I was researching lots and lots with regards to how to set it up.
On first brew I found the CFC tricky with regards to putting it higher and balancing it on various chairs / crates etc, after some research for wall mounting, I found MM have some cool brakets for the the CFC and sparge water heater, however someone on a forum mentioned about the MM mounting being horizontal and the potential for each turn holding water / liquid at the bottom so I set about finding a way of mounting it vertically with the hot wort in / hot cooling water out side at the top so it is easier to drain after a brew day, leaving minimal moisture in the chiller between brews.
So in case it is of use for anyone here is what I came up with:
I brought one of these from ebay:
it is a 3 foot L shaped aerial / satellite mounding pole and bracket.
Once received it was of course a bit big for what i needed so using a plumbers pipe cutter I cut both straight sections down to suit the radius of the GF CFC coil and the height of the coil, and mounted it as below:

Used it on my second brew with the G40 yesterday and it was much easier, mounted it on the wall near my garage door which allows me to put the waste cooling water into a channel drain that runs in front of my garage door (one I have collected enough for cleaning.
When not in use I cover it over with an old pillowcase just to keep the dust off.
Anyway im not much of a DIYer but I was pleased with the idea and thought I would share it for others.
Really enjoying the G40, second brew yesterday and hit my numbers, looking forwards to pushing it above 23l batches and also doing some big abv belgian styles with it.
On first brew I found the CFC tricky with regards to putting it higher and balancing it on various chairs / crates etc, after some research for wall mounting, I found MM have some cool brakets for the the CFC and sparge water heater, however someone on a forum mentioned about the MM mounting being horizontal and the potential for each turn holding water / liquid at the bottom so I set about finding a way of mounting it vertically with the hot wort in / hot cooling water out side at the top so it is easier to drain after a brew day, leaving minimal moisture in the chiller between brews.
So in case it is of use for anyone here is what I came up with:
I brought one of these from ebay:
it is a 3 foot L shaped aerial / satellite mounding pole and bracket.
Once received it was of course a bit big for what i needed so using a plumbers pipe cutter I cut both straight sections down to suit the radius of the GF CFC coil and the height of the coil, and mounted it as below:

Used it on my second brew with the G40 yesterday and it was much easier, mounted it on the wall near my garage door which allows me to put the waste cooling water into a channel drain that runs in front of my garage door (one I have collected enough for cleaning.
When not in use I cover it over with an old pillowcase just to keep the dust off.
Anyway im not much of a DIYer but I was pleased with the idea and thought I would share it for others.
Really enjoying the G40, second brew yesterday and hit my numbers, looking forwards to pushing it above 23l batches and also doing some big abv belgian styles with it.