Alistair Darling - t**t

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BarnsleyBrewer said:
That was a great 888 word rant Uncle :eek: , bet you was well fired up, were you trembling with rage? :D
I'll nominate that for the best/longest most content post of the year!! :thumb:

"Trembling with rage" No not really, I have hated the state of my mother country for years, I have watched the political processes and arguments closely ever since I was a kid and have always thought they all talk an utter load of B*llocks, each and every one of the MP's are in their job for their own ends, Politics is just a big game, one lot spend spend spend the other lot have no choice but to clean up the mess, (in the process of which they get the blame for the spend spend spend) then the other lot get back in nick the good ideas from the A*rse wipers, and spend spend spend some more, in the meantime whilst this is going on they backfill their pockets with our money, and live in a fantasy world with several lavish houses etc, truly a superstar lifestyle, it works for them though "Bullsh*t truely does baffle Brains".

It also pains me to see how British industry has totally gone to the dogs, Its not just the government who are clueless and corrupt, Many moons ago the big boss of an empire either inherited his position, and therefore had a vested interest in it, or started on the shop floor and through working hard, good ideas and saving money etc worked his way through the ranks, and on each level he worked, saw what was inherently wrong and put it right for the good of his firm.

Now the way to the top is get an degree, walk into position of authority with no experience of process etc,(Just remember to tell em you have a 1st) give some bulls*t of how great a sportsman you were at uni and if you hadn't had such a bad sports injury, you would be playing for Man United or similar, Tell men with 20-30 years experience, they are all doing their jobs wrong, hold regular meetings to tell the workforce what great things are happening for the good of the firm, use the feedback Q&A session at the end of the meeting to suck great Ideas out of the workforce at the sharp end, Use these ideas as your own, repackage, add some "bling" and take full credit,get the workforce to work to specific easily attainable targets that hardly relate to the work process, use these targets to fudge a few figures to demonstrate how wonderful you are and fast track up to the next level, (this process usually takes 6-12 months).

Result: The Man who used to work his way up still works his gonads off for the good of his company, but stays on the bottom level, gets p*ssed off by seeing the new bosses cronies rise to lower ranks of power rise below him by general grinning underhandedness, and he decides its pointless working his tripe's out as there is nowhere for him to go, so he joins the other ants, ticking boxes and pushing paper, life becomes an ever growing paper chase of form filling and signatures (that can be presented at any time to use in his demise should he start to upset the Status Quo by complaining etc), and the Great British company slowly becomes an unmanageable leviathan, more and more people are required to deal with the numbers and administration of these targets and figures so Mr new style boss can show what a great job he is doing.
The company starts to wain and foreign investment comes in and buys it up, asset strips it to the point of extinction and gets rid.
Mr Universe(ity) gets a big fat cheque and a house in the Surrey suburbs.

The man who used to work his way up gets an dead end town, no industry with no shops apart from 20 million charity shops, no where to work and a country with no output, his kids have no future as there will be no more investment, the Foreign Investors have gone, moved on to Poland or China or India where they are doing to their economies what they have done to ours.

The problem we now have as a country is how do we compete with China and India and the like, the only way these countries can grow is down to the fact that the citizens have no real rights, Its a dog eat dog world of "work you live don't work you die".

I can see the only way back from the brink is to make a move from Globalisation to Localisation, look after your own community and it will look after itself,

Look after the big companies and they will cut you down dead and move when the money runs out.

Rant Mk2 over.
unclepumble said:
I can see the only way back from the brink is to make a move from Globalisation to Localisation, look after your own community and it will look after itself,


Just came in and read 2 rants at once... brilliant !!!

+1 vote for UP, proposed leader of BURP
jamesb said:
The Brewers are Revolting!

Or is that just MD and his sh***er bitter? :lol:


Right you've volenteered for a couple of bottles!!! And I'm not stupid I'm mixing them up with some other beers of the same colour and not labbeling them! :lol:
The price of a pint of cider is set to soar to above the £3 mark from midnight on Sunday, with today's 10% tax hike adding an extra 20p to pub prices, according to beer champions the Campaign for Real Ale.

And with 130 million gallons of cider made in the UK every year, that increase will add up to a tasty treat for the Treasury.
unclepumble said:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
That was a great 888 word rant Uncle :eek: , bet you was well fired up, were you trembling with rage? :D
I'll nominate that for the best/longest most content post of the year!! :thumb:

"Trembling with rage" No not really, I have hated the state of my mother country for years, I have watched the political processes and arguments closely ever since I was a kid and have always thought they all talk an utter load of B*llocks, each and every one of the MP's are in their job for their own ends, Politics is just a big game, one lot spend spend spend the other lot have no choice but to clean up the mess, (in the process of which they get the blame for the spend spend spend) then the other lot get back in nick the good ideas from the A*rse wipers, and spend spend spend some more, in the meantime whilst this is going on they backfill their pockets with our money, and live in a fantasy world with several lavish houses etc, truly a superstar lifestyle, it works for them though "Bullsh*t truely does baffle Brains".

It also pains me to see how British industry has totally gone to the dogs, Its not just the government who are clueless and corrupt, Many moons ago the big boss of an empire either inherited his position, and therefore had a vested interest in it, or started on the shop floor and through working hard, good ideas and saving money etc worked his way through the ranks, and on each level he worked, saw what was inherently wrong and put it right for the good of his firm.

Now the way to the top is get an degree, walk into position of authority with no experience of process etc,(Just remember to tell em you have a 1st) give some bulls*t of how great a sportsman you were at uni and if you hadn't had such a bad sports injury, you would be playing for Man United or similar, Tell men with 20-30 years experience, they are all doing their jobs wrong, hold regular meetings to tell the workforce what great things are happening for the good of the firm, use the feedback Q&A session at the end of the meeting to suck great Ideas out of the workforce at the sharp end, Use these ideas as your own, repackage, add some "bling" and take full credit,get the workforce to work to specific easily attainable targets that hardly relate to the work process, use these targets to fudge a few figures to demonstrate how wonderful you are and fast track up to the next level, (this process usually takes 6-12 months).

Result: The Man who used to work his way up still works his gonads off for the good of his company, but stays on the bottom level, gets p*ssed off by seeing the new bosses cronies rise to lower ranks of power rise below him by general grinning underhandedness, and he decides its pointless working his tripe's out as there is nowhere for him to go, so he joins the other ants, ticking boxes and pushing paper, life becomes an ever growing paper chase of form filling and signatures (that can be presented at any time to use in his demise should he start to upset the Status Quo by complaining etc), and the Great British company slowly becomes an unmanageable leviathan, more and more people are required to deal with the numbers and administration of these targets and figures so Mr new style boss can show what a great job he is doing.
The company starts to wain and foreign investment comes in and buys it up, asset strips it to the point of extinction and gets rid.
Mr Universe(ity) gets a big fat cheque and a house in the Surrey suburbs.

The man who used to work his way up gets an dead end town, no industry with no shops apart from 20 million charity shops, no where to work and a country with no output, his kids have no future as there will be no more investment, the Foreign Investors have gone, moved on to Poland or China or India where they are doing to their economies what they have done to ours.

The problem we now have as a country is how do we compete with China and India and the like, the only way these countries can grow is down to the fact that the citizens have no real rights, Its a dog eat dog world of "work you live don't work you die".

I can see the only way back from the brink is to make a move from Globalisation to Localisation, look after your own community and it will look after itself,

Look after the big companies and they will cut you down dead and move when the money runs out.

Rant Mk2 over.

Well said :thumb:
evanvine said:
**** a brick!
After reading this whole thread, including all of UP's post, I can see no way out!
Maggie was right and Enoch's going to be right.
I am NO racist, but I'm not happy with them getting preference over us in so called PC.
Hell you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
Was membership of the EEC right for us?
We seem to obey their every edict, the rest of the member countries don't seem to.
The UK is a sovereign state and needs a strong government that put the UK first.
I think I'd better shut up!

:clap: Don't shut up EV, & for Gods sake don't leave your house or Romanians will squat in it :x
corby_brewer said:
The price of a pint of cider is set to soar to above the £3 mark from midnight on Sunday, with today's 10% tax hike adding an extra 20p to pub prices, according to beer champions the Campaign for Real Ale.

And with 130 million gallons of cider made in the UK every year, that increase will add up to a tasty treat for the Treasury.

And certain big brand Beers will also rise in price very soon, as the increased Cider profits have been subsidising Their beers for years, I would also expect more big brewery closures.

unclepumble said:
And certain big brand Beers will also rise in price very soon, as the increased Cider profits have been subsidising Their beers for years, I would also expect more big brewery closures.

Your right there Shane, i recon that any beer on or above the 5% ABV mark will be included.
unclepumble said:
snail59 said:
unclepumble said:
Sadly no-one party seems to have the balls to do it.

Rant Over


You need to look outside the main 3 partys UP ;)

I'm not into voting for racists thanks, and UKIP won't get anywhere either.


I agree with you on UKIP but not all of the smaller partys are racists as you put it. I certanly am not racisit.
snail59 said:
I agree with you on UKIP but not all of the smaller partys are racists as you put it. I certanly am not racisit.

I was talking BNP I don't see any other parties with any weight apart from the big 3, Apart from the possibly newly formed "BURP"

Here's something I was sent today.

Love to think this is true and exactly as it was broadcast but I doubt it. Rather funny though and the comment at the very end just about sums up everything in here.

"On August 19th 2007, an oil tanker off the coast of Australia split in two, dumping 20,000 tons of crude oil. Senator Collins, a member of the Australian Parliament, appeared on a TV news program... "
corby_brewer said:
unclepumble said:
And certain big brand Beers will also rise in price very soon, as the increased Cider profits have been subsidising Their beers for years, I would also expect more big brewery closures.

Your right there Shane, i recon that any beer on or above the 5% ABV mark will be included.

Strong beer will soon be a thing of the past, the Duty levy on alcohol level in beer makes it prohibitive to make a decent profit on strong beer.

Hence all the big lager producers have reduced their mainstream lagers to 4% or produced new brands that are at 4%:
Carling reduced from 4.1 to 4%,
You rarely see an advert for stella artios now its mainly stella 4% advertising,
Becks released Vier german for 4,
Smoothflow beers have reduced ABV,
Cafferys is now 3.8% as opposed to nearly 5% when released,
John Smiths Smooth is also 3.8%

Each 0.1% reduction in alcohol means millions more in profits, & due to steep utils rises, falling pound, changes in duty levies etc, big brewers are having to reduce Alcohol levels to make any profit at all.

In short if you go to the pub now or buy beer in the supermarket, you are buying more water than you were 10 years ago.
This is not the fault of the big brewers it is driven by the stranglehold the Government has on the industry sucking it dry with too high duty, the Government is Killing our communities by making it impossible for pubs and brewers to make decent returns on the money they invest in the business.

I doubt if that will be too much of a problem for most of the users of this forum though, "Darling stuff your tax we Brew our Own"!


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