AG#1 Pittsy's Hefeweizen

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Well, I pitched just around 20c.

Bubbling in the airlock already, must be the starter I made!

The brew came to exactly 20litres. I swear it would have been 23l if I had threw that blasted wort down the drain :oops:

I'm not too sure how to measure efficiency, or even what it is :wha:
there are calculators online crE, you just measure your final volume and OG, and it tells you how well you extracted sugars from the grains :) but if it came out exactly as intended, then I assume 75% which is beersmith default!
crE said:
Great stuff.... I want to do another brew now!! I also want shiny things :oops:

Hahahaha!!! It's a lot of fun AG brewing isn't it??? Careful with the shiny - it breeds as quickly as FVs do...
brewtim said:
Pittsy - what yeast do you recommend and what is your preferred fermentation schedule I'd like to have a go at this in the near future

Hi , my fav yeast is wlp380 . The traditional wlp300 is nice but wlp380 has a lovely vanilla/clove with banana aroma , when used it smells so good i could stick my head in the fv .
I have up to now brewed my hefes at 22c (which will have more esters ) and mashed a certain way to have more clove but i have a batch ready to bottle that was first cooled to 15c , pitched yeast then fermented at 17.5 c following this advice ... sbier_Hell
And this is what pittsy's hefeweizen is all about...

A pittsy's and a pit...


crE said:
Is this in similar taste to the recipe pittsy?
Erdinger is ok , quite bland really . If someone has never tried a wheat beer then that's the 1 to try as other brands may be too full of flavour for someone not into wheats , I used to love Erdinger but after trying other brands (and brewing full flavoured wheat beer) it is well ... bland .
In short yes it's a wheat beer but yours should have much more clove and especially banana .
Hefes that i can find in some shops are , (and in my fav order)
weihenstephan ......hefeweizen
Franziskaner ..........hefeweizen
Paulaner ................hefeweizen
pittsy said:
crE said:
Is this in similar taste to the recipe pittsy?
Erdinger is ok , quite bland really . If someone has never tried a wheat beer then that's the 1 to try as other brands may be too full of flavour for someone not into wheats , I used to love Erdinger but after trying other brands (and brewing full flavoured wheat beer) it is well ... bland .
In short yes it's a wheat beer but yours should have much more clove and especially banana .
Hefes that i can find in some shops are , (and in my fav order)
weihenstephan ......hefeweizen
Franziskaner ..........hefeweizen
Paulaner ................hefeweizen
Great stuff pittsy :thumb:

Well I enjoyed the pint nonetheless so hopefully mine should be even nicer :thumb:

Fermentation is going nuts already. Hasn't even been 24 hours... looks like I may have an explosion coming!
pittsy said:
crE said:
Is this in similar taste to the recipe pittsy?
Erdinger is ok , quite bland really . If someone has never tried a wheat beer then that's the 1 to try as other brands may be too full of flavour for someone not into wheats , I used to love Erdinger but after trying other brands (and brewing full flavoured wheat beer) it is well ... bland .

Thanks for the fermentation info. I shared an Erdinger with the missus yesterday and she said it was bland and I agreed ( maybe we shouldn't have drunk a Fullers golden pride beforehand which is one of the tastiest commercials I've drunk in along time) so I'll certainly want to brew a flavoursome wheat beer by treating the yeast unkindly :-)
Well, I might have treated my yeasties a little too kindly!!

Around 24 hours after pitching the starter to my 20l of wort - here is the current stage its at...





I've currently left it like this

That is the only way the bubbles stop reaching for the sky!

Is it advisable I can leave the lid open like that for now?

Is there anything else I should be doing?

How long would I typically expect this ferocity to last?


That is one healthy ferment!

You could fit a blow off tube. So put your lid back on, shove a tube down the airlock hole/grommet and the other end into a bottle of water at floor level.

It's still an airlock - just a bit more... industrial?
Hmmm linky not working for me but if you search "Brewing TV - Open Fermentation" you get the episode. They say it increases ester and phenol flavours is the beer.

Here's my ferment:

Lovely! I would watch it but SWMBO is trying to watch the telly!

Can't wait to taste this beer.

Pittsy, how much do you prime? Bearing in mind I have 20l

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